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fix: collect all errors in removeFolders

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GitHub Actions / Merge report (tests 1) succeeded Nov 20, 2023 in 0s

Test results for "tests 1"

6 flaky ⚠️ [chromium] › library/tracing.spec.ts:239:5 › should not include trace resources from the previous chunks
⚠️ [chromium] › library/tracing.spec.ts:239:5 › should not include trace resources from the previous chunks
⚠️ [firefox] › page/page-event-request.spec.ts:162:3 › should return response body when Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy is set
⚠️ [chromium] › library/tracing.spec.ts:239:5 › should not include trace resources from the previous chunks
⚠️ [chromium] › components/splitView.spec.tsx:45:5 › should render horizontal split
⚠️ [webkit] › library/tracing.spec.ts:239:5 › should not include trace resources from the previous chunks

26150 passed, 612 skipped

Full HTML report. Merge workflow run.