This module is very much an experiment and probably not in a production-ready state, bugs and errors are likely.
Replaces the core Islandora facets with the Drupal Facet API module facets. These facets are handled in their own UI and are a little more customizeable, but are wholly different than the Islandora facets.
- Date Facets (for date range facets)
Enable the module as usual and navigate to admin/islandora/search/islandora_solr/facets
to enable facet api facets. After you have enabled some facets you will need to
place the facet blocks, they will then appear for searches.
There are a wealth of configuration options available to facet api facets, this module should support most of them.
The drupal sarnia and search_api modules provide a powerful alternative to the core islandora solr module, which can then be combined with the facetapi for almost the exact same solution, however, this would require not using the islandora solr modules at all.
Current maintainer: