GitOps Primer is an operator can be deployed with a Kubernetes environment to export objects out of the cluster and store them within a Git repository.
If you would like to test or develop using GitOps Primer deploy Minikube( or Kind( and run the following.
make install
make run
If you would like to run GitOps primer within your environment.
make deploy
If you would like to run GitOps primer within your environment that has OLM
oc create ns gitops-primer-system
operator-sdk run bundle --namespace gitops-primer-system
Although there are two examples that are given within the examples directory the only one that will be usable to you is export-to-git.yaml. This is because download-export.yaml requires a different pod to present the downloadable content to you. The information below will focus on the git method.
WARNING: Please use a private git repository in this example!
A secret containing an SSH key that is linked to the Git Repository must be created before running GitOps Primer. Follow the steps to add a new SSH key to your GitHub account(
oc create secret generic secret-key --from-file=id_rsa=~/.ssh/id_rsa
Now that the SSH key is loaded modify the file examples/export-to-git.yaml to define the git branch and private repository to use and then deploy.
oc create -f examples/export-to-git.yaml
After the job completes, items will exist within your git repository.