My journey in the field of development and technology began early. At the age of 11, I was already taking my first steps in programming. By 15, I was taking technical courses, and by 18, I started doing freelance work and building systems for fun.
As a Software Engineer, I strive to enhance my technical skills in various key areas. My software development skills encompass the use of languages such as Python and Java. Furthermore, I have extensive knowledge in software engineering, system architecture, and solid programming practices, including Clean Code, Clean Architecture, SOLID principles, and Design Patterns. I am also familiar with DevOps, including CI/CD, Containerization, and other related practices.
I also have knowledge in testing, version control (Git, GitHub, and GitLab), messaging/stream (ActiveMQ, Kafka, RabbitMQ, and GCP Pub/Sub), ElasticSearch, Redis, application monitoring, Cloud Computing, natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (Machine Learning), semantic web, SPARQL, RDF, and Knowledge Graphs.
Previously, I worked as a website developer on freelance projects, using various technologies such as JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Angular, React.js, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, PHP, Laravel, and WordPress.
I deeply believe that technology has the power to positively impact the world. My goal is to contribute to projects that have a tangible impact by delivering quality code while maintaining consistent communication and collaboration with the team.
Proudly, I am a founding volunteer of the Grupy Sul Fluminense, a community dedicated to strengthening and spreading Python knowledge in the Southern Fluminense Region of Rio de Janeiro.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on some cool project that has an impact.
- 🚑 Fun fact, or not so much, I was unable to walk for a few years due to a car accident.
- 😍 Love Codes; Loves Technologies; Love Processes; Loves Interfaces and Loves Business.
- ⚡ And last but not least. I'm still waiting for something exciting to happen.
- Postgraduate - Specialization:
- Engenharia de Software
- At PUC-MG - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
- @Facebook | @Instagram
- Graduation:
- Sistemas de Computação
- At UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense
- @Facebook | @Instagram
- Technical:
- Técnico em Informática com Ênfase em Desenvolvimento
- At ETPC - Escola Técnica Pandiá Calógeras
- @Facebook | @Instagram