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Declarative custom HTML elements

const gza = require('gza')

<my-element ${ {test: 'pass'} }>
  ${ settings => settings.test }
<!-- Example w/ defaults -->

<!-- Renders -->

<!-- Example w/ property -->
<my-element test="test-prop"></my-element>

<!-- Renders -->

See also markdown-element which is implemented with gza


Initialization Functions

Any function defined before your element definition is an initialization function. It takes a single argument, an instance of the new element.

Only after all intialization functions have finished, including async functions, will the render function be called.

Initialization functions are only ever called once per element instance.

${async element => {
  let resp = await fetch('flowers.jpg')
  let blob = await resp.blob()
  element.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
<my-image ${ {src: null} } >
  <img src="${settings => settings.src}"></img>

Templatized Rendering

All content and functions defined inside your element definition are used for templatized rendering.

The content and function results are used to display content in the <render> element.

Every time an element attribute or element property changes that was previously defined by the defaults, the entire element template will be run again in order to re-render.

Every time the contents of the element changes it will also call the template functions in order to re-render.

<my-element ${one: 1, two: 2, three: 3}>
  <h1>${settings =>}</h1>
  <h2>${settings => settings.two}</h2>
  <h3>${settings => settings.three}</h3>
<!-- Example w/ defaults -->
<!-- Renders -->

<!-- Property/Attribute changes will re-render -->
  let elem = document.querySelector('my-element') = 'one'
  elem.setAttribute('two', 'two')
  elem.setAttributeNS(null, 'three', 'three')
<!-- Re-Renders As -->


Any content defined below your element definition will be attached to the shadowDOM. If you do not create a slot for "render" then the rendered content will have nowhere to display.

You can also include template functions to dynamically change the shadowDOM content and styling when properties and values change.

const nowhitespace = str => str.replace(/ /g, '')

  ${(settings, innerHTML) => nowhitespace(innerHTML)}
h3 {
  font-size: 200%;
<h3>${(settings, innerHTML) => nowhitespace(innerHTML)}</h3>
<slot name="render"></slot>
<!-- Example w/ defaults -->
<my-element>This is a test.</my-element>
<!-- Renders -->
  <h3>Thisisatest.</h3> <!-- This will display at 200% font size. -->

Kitchen Sink

Here's an example of every feature currently implemented.

const gza = require('gza')

${element => { /* initialization function */
  element.i += 1
${async element => { /* supports async functions */
  element.i += 1
<test-kitchen ${{test: 'test', i: 0, size: 100}}> <!-- Default settings -->
  <div id="constructors">${settings => settings.i}</div> <!-- Templating -->
  <div id="propdefault">${async settings => settings.test}</div> <!-- Supports async -->
  <div id="inner">${(settings, innerHTML) => innerHTML}</div>
::slotted(render) {
  font-size: ${settings => settings.size + '%'}; <!-- ShadowDOM Templating -->
<slot name="render"></slot>
<!-- Example w/ defaults -->

<!-- Renders -->
    <div id="constructors">2</div>
    <div id="propdefault">test</div>
    <div id="inner">TestContent</div>

<!-- Example w/ property -->
<kitchen-sink size=200>TestContent</my-element>

<!-- Renders the same as before but with font-size increased to 200%-->

Why is it called GZA?

Cause GZA the genius!