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Install axios and vuex-loopback.

yarn add axios vuex-loopback

or via npm

npm install axios vuex-loopback

Create Vuex module

1. Import axios and module factory.

import axios from 'axios';
import {createModule} from 'vuex-loopback';

2. Create axios instance with baseURL option.

const client = axios.create({
  baseURL: '',

3. Define collection model with default fields.

const model = {
  id: '',
  title: '',
  body: '',

4. Create Vuex module by the module factory.

Before use built-in components ItemsLoader and ItemEditor you need to create the Vuex module of Loopback collection which you want to manage. For example we will create a named module vlArticles of Articles collection.

new Vuex.Store({
  modules: {
    // ...
    vlArticles: {
      namespaced: true,
        client,                 // (required) Axios instance.
        model,                  // (required) Collection model.
        collection: 'Articles', // (required) Plural collection name.
        state: {},              // Extend default state.
        getters: {},            // Extend default getters.
        actions: {},            // Extend default actions.
        mutations: {},          // Extend default mutations.
    // ...

It's recommended to prefer vl prefix of a module name to mark module is created by vuex-loopback.

Vuex module usage

The following fields will contain data when you get, create or update a single item.

  • item: object = null - Persisted item.
  • tempItem: object = null - New or modified item.

And a state of a multiple items:

  • items: object[] = [] - Fetched items.

It's a general part of module state.

Create item

In the previous step we provided the model with default fields to the module factory. An action CREATE_TEMP_ITEM will create a new item by this model automatically (only tempItem state, not in database).

  {title: 'My Article'},

The second argument is not required but you can patch data of new item.

State of tempItem now is:

  "id": "",
  "title": "My Article",
  "body": ""

By an action PUT_TEMP_ITEM the data of tempItem will be created or updated (if exists) in database.

await store.dispatch(

During request a state of loading is true.

State of item and tempItem now is:

  "id": "5fd491fceea2be937cb838fc",
  "title": "My Article",
  "body": ""

After that, we have a new state of item which contains persisted data, but the tempItem has updated also (by a new id value). So if you will change the state of tempItem then you can check differences between persisted data item and modified tempItem, and discard changes by SET_TEMP_ITEM mutation to a previous value from item state.

Type of generated ID is depends to your database.

Fetch items

Create another one article.

  {title: 'Second Article'}

await store.dispatch(

Dispatch an action FETCH_ITEMS to get an array in items state.

await store.dispatch(

Use a second argument to provide fetching options.

State of items is:

    "id": "5fd491fceea2be937cb838fc",
    "title": "My Article",
    "body": ""
    "id": "5fd491fceea2be937cb838fb",
    "title": "Second Article",
    "body": ""

The FETCH_ITEMS action will request an items by conditions defined in the state which you can set by mutations.

Fetch item by ID

An action FETCH_ITEM will update item and tempItem state by fetched data.

await store.dispatch(
  {id: '5fd491fceea2be937cb838fc'},

State of item and tempItem now is:

  "id": "5fd491fceea2be937cb838fc",
  "title": "My Article",
  "body": ""

Update item

Before update a database, we need to modify the data of tempItem which was fetched in the previous step.

const {tempItem} = store

store.commit('vlArticles/SET_TEMP_ITEM', {
  body: 'Article body',

State of tempItem now has a new body value:

  "id": "5fd491fceea2be937cb838fc",
  "title": "My Article",
  "body": "Article body"

Commit changes by PUT_TEMP_ITEM action.

await store.dispatch(

Now your database and item state has updated by modified tempItem.

Remove item

An action REMOVE_ITEM will remove an item from database.

await store.dispatch(

The item will be removed from the state automatically.

Load items by Vue Component

Built-in component ItemsLoader will help you to load collection items right in Vue template. A scope of default slot has some usefull methods and properties to create items list with lazy-load or pagination behaviours.


  • module: string - Name of Vuex module.
  • noAutoload: boolean - Do not autoload items after mount.

Scope of default slot

  • items: object[] - Loaded items.
  • loading: boolean - Loading state.
  • page: number - Current page.
  • pages: number - Total number of pages.
  • hasMore: boolean - Can we load more?
  • load() - Load items.
  • loadPage(page: number) - Load specific page.
  • loadMore() - Load more items.

* Component will load items automatically if prop noAutoload has not specified.
* All properties and methods of slot scope are accessible by component reference (ref attribute).

Basic example

1. Import ItemsLoader from vuex-loopback.

import {ItemsLoader} from 'vuex-loopback';

2. Define local component.

export default {
  // ...
  components: {
  // ...

3. Use it to load collection items.

<!-- Loader -->

    slot-scope="{items, hasMore, loadMore}">
    <!-- Item -->
      v-for="item in items">
      {{ item.title }}
    <!-- More Button -->

Manage an item by Vue Component

You are able to create, update or remove collection item by built-in component ItemEditor. Same as above ItemEditor has a scope of default slot which provides specific methods and properties.


  • module: string - Name of Vuex module.
  • extend: object - Extend an item fields.

Scope of default slot

  • item: object - Selected item.
  • loading: boolean - Loading state.
  • edit(item: object) - Select or create item if no argument specified.
  • set(item: object) - Update selected or created item temporary.
  • save() - Commit temporary changes applied by method set.
  • remove() - Remove selected item from collection.

* All properties and methods of slot scope are accessible by component reference (ref attribute).

Basic example

1. Import ItemEditor from vuex-loopback.

import {ItemEditor} from 'vuex-loopback'; // new line
import {ItemsLoader} from 'vuex-loopback';

2. Define local component.

export default {
  // ...
  components: {
    ItemEditor, // new line
  // ...

3. Use it to create editor form.

<!-- Editor -->
    slot-scope="{item, set, save, remove}">

      <!-- Title Field -->
        @input="set({...item, title: $event})"/>

      <!-- Save Button -->

      <!-- Remove Button -->


4. Update items loader template.

<!-- Loader -->

    slot-scope="{items, hasMore, loadMore}">
    <!-- Item -->
      v-for="item in items">
      {{ item.title }}
      <!-- Edit Button -->
        @click="() => $refs.editor.edit(item)">
    <!-- More Button -->
    <!-- Create Button -->
      @click="() => $refs.editor.edit()">

Module structure

You may want to use Vuex module directly.
Let's see what it has.


  • item: object = null - Loaded item.
  • tempItem: object = null - Clone of item.
  • items: object[] = [] - Loaded items.
  • skip: number = 0 - Items offset.
  • limit: number = 20 - Items limit.
  • total: number = 0 - Total items.
  • orderBy: string = '' - Sort by field.
  • orderDesc: boolean = '' - Sort descending.
  • searchBy: string[] = ['name'] - Search by fields.
  • searchQuery: string = '' - Searching query.
  • where: object = {} - Fetching condition.
  • loading: boolean = false - Loading state.
  • include: string[] = [] - Fetching relations.
  • fields: string[] = [] - Fetching fields.


  • page: number - Number of current page.
  • totalPages: number - Number of total pages.
  • hasMore: boolean - Can we load more? (lazy loading)
  • itemChanged: boolean - State of item and tempItem is not the same.


  • SET_ITEM(value: object)
  • SET_TEMP_ITEM(value: object)
  • SET_ITEMS(value: object[])
  • SET_SKIP(value: number)
  • SET_LIMIT(value: number)
  • SET_TOTAL(value: number)
  • SET_ORDER_BY(value: string)
  • SET_ORDER_DESC(value: boolean)
  • SET_SEARCH_BY(value: string[])
  • SET_SEARCH_QUERY(value: string)
  • SET_WHERE(value: object)
  • SET_LOADING(value: boolean)
  • SET_INCLUDE(value: string[])
  • SET_FIELDS(value: string[])
  • UPDATE_ITEM(item: object)
  • REMOVE_ITEM(id: number|string)


  • FETCH_ITEM(payload)

    • id: number|string
    • filter: object = {}
    • noTempItem: boolean = false
  • FETCH_ITEMS(payload)

    • filter: object = {}
    • noGlobals: boolean = false
    • append: boolean = false
  • CREATE_ITEM(payload)

    • data: object
    • filter: object = {}
  • PATCH_ITEM(payload)

    • id: number|string
    • data: object
    • filter: object = {}
  • REMOVE_ITEM(id: number|string)

  • CREATE_TEMP_ITEM(item: object = null)

  • PUT_TEMP_ITEM(payload)

    • filter: object = {}
    • noPatch: boolean = false
    • reset: boolean = false
  • SEARCH_ITEMS(payload)

    • query: string = ''
    • searchBy: string[] = null
  • FETCH_PAGE(payload)

    • page: number = 1


1. Clone loopback-example-relations and start web-server.

git clone
cd loopback-example-relations
yarn start

2. Clone vuex-loopback in a new terminal session and run the tests.

git clone
cd vuex-loopback
yarn test


Vue CLI project vuex-loopback-example


  • State factory.
  • Mutations factory.
  • Actions factory.
  • Getters factory.
  • Loader component.
  • Editor component.
  • Documentation.
  • Examples.