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Steal This Repo

You think you should have a blog. You used to have one, it was great. Until it wasn't. You want to write again.

You also want to share a pic or a quick note from your phone. The convenience of a social media app. Maybe write some longer form thinking aloud you publish. Me too. That's what this repo is for.

Under the hood this is a Jekyll site hosted on Netlify. The goal is to document hooking up IndieAuth, Micropub, Webmentions, and Bridgy to make it all work. It's a lot of moving parts, but once it's set up, it's pretty slick. (Famous last words generated by CoPilot.)

For the Jekyll side, it's using Jekyll IndieWeb as a Jekyll theme. This means improvements to the theme will be pulled in automatically by updating the Gemfile. It also means you can override any of the theme's files by creating a file with the same name in the root of your repo. For example, if you want to change the CSS, you can edit the default assets/css/main.css and it will override the theme's CSS.

Also of note, this repo is a GitHub template repo. That means you can click the green "Use this template" button and create your own repo based on this one. The difference with forking is that you don't inherit the git history of this project. You get a fresh repo with the same files and folders as this one as an intial check in. You can name the repo whatever you want.

Getting Started

Local installation

Deploying to Netlify



Setting Up

Deploy to Netlify





