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Autopojo is a java library that can automatically populate the pojo objects. It provides a very simple interface and can be easily extended and customized.

What can you do with Autopojo?

Autopojo provides a simple interface to popuate a pojo class. You should be able to do,

    AutoPojoFactory factory = new AutoPojoFactory();
    // Load a simple pojo class
    MySimplePojo object = factory.populate(MySimplePojo.class);
    // Load a nested pojo class
    NestedPojo object = factory.populate(NestedPojo.class);
    // Load `n` levels of nested pojo class
    NestedPojo object = factory.populate(NestedPojo.class, 3);
    // Load a generic pojo
    GenericPojo<String, Long> object = factory.populate(NestedPojo.class, String.class, Long.class);
    // And you can load a collection too
    List<SimplePojo> list = factory.populate(List.class, SimplePojo.class);

Getting Started

Setting Up Maven

Autopojo is available as a Maven artifact and should be fairly simpler to integrate with your application. Just add the below maven dependency to your pom.xml file,


If you are on a non-maven project, you will have to include these additional dependencies in addition to activejpa-core,

  • commons-lang3-3.1.jar
  • commons-math3-3.2.jar
  • guava-14.0.1.jar
  • commons-beanutils-1.8.3.jar
  • slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar

Customizing pojo generation

You can pass on custom configuration to the AutoPojoFactory and control the pojo generation,

      Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
      AutoPojoFactory factory = new AutoPojoFactory(configuration);

Registering custom resolvers

There could be cases where you want to generate a pojo for custom classes. Create a custom resolver is as simple as extending the abstract resolver,

      public class MyCustomClassResolver implements AttributeResolver {
          public void init(GenerationStrategy strategy, Configuration configuration) {
          public void resolve(Object pojo, AttributeMetaData attribute, int maxDepth) {
          public Object resolve(Class<?> clazz, int maxDepth, Type... genericTypes) {

And register the resolver to the strategy as below,

      GenerationStrategy strategy = new GenerationStrategy(new Configuration());
      // The resolver will resolve all the sub classes of MyCustomClass as well
      strategy.register(MyCustomClass.class, MyCustomClassResolver.class);


Autopojo is offered under Apache License, Version 2.0