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Lambda Scheme

Nazar Gerasymchuk edited this page Aug 30, 2013 · 14 revisions

This is article on new scheme of database access.

Todays approach to database access in Mixxx

There are lots of objects which need to use database access. Most of that type of access is provided by respective *DAO (DAO means data access object) objects. Instances of each *DAO object consist in TrackCollection class. TrackCollection holds also database connection and populates it on all DAOs.

In Mixxx 1.11 if you want to conduct database access you must:

  1. Get pointer to respective DAO
  2. Prepare query and data
  3. Apply query from the point where you are right now
  4. Populate query results (if it's necessary)

The main problem of such scheme is conducting the db access mostly from the Main thread. That's why while query's pending we face UI locking.

The main requirement is avoid hanging of UI (or minimize hanging up to 16 ms, but not more).

There are lots of inherited complexity in the db usage:

  1. Threads are evil =)
  2. The db connection cannot be populated on different threads
  3. We must have just one access point to db in perfect case

We propose new scheme of the db accessing. This scheme requires usage of lambdas which was presented in new C++11.

Scheme in few words

We are going to leave all DAO class hierarchy and leave behaviour mostly the same, except one important moment -- conduct all database access in separate thread.

Object TrackCollection becomes our separate thread. It is creating in Library, also connects to database, holds this connection, initializes all DAO objects and begins its own event loop (while in run() method).

We got into cycle body every time someone places lambda to queue by callin callAsync(). Here we dequeue lambda and execute it (in TrackCollections thread).

What do I need to do with some code to apply new scheme?

  1. Get pointer to TrackCollections thread
  2. Surround your code by respective call of callAsync where the first parameter will be lambda with its cathes values (most common -- this).

It guarantees your code will be placed into queue and executed as soon as possible in TrackCollections thread. Must admit that this is asynchronous function. It means that all operations on placing lambda into queue happen in less than 16 ms and execution from your context goes on. We can't say exactly when lambda will be executed (as soon as it is placed to queue and becomes at the top of queue).

Here are some cases

If you need to access UI

See Rules and arrangements using lambdas scheme for database access

Not Asynchronous, but synchronous

If you can't move on until code in lambda executes. For example, when you need results of some query in initialization of your class. So you may use some kind of "callSync" -- do it with locks. The algorithm is quite easy:

  1. In your context create (even in stack) QMutex mutex
  2. Do mutex.lock()
  3. Do as usual you do with callAsync(), but with little correction in lambda: add &mutex to lambdas catchlist; add mutex.unlock() at the end of your lambda code (it must be surrounded by lambda)
  4. After callSync code do mutex.lock() and imidiately mutex.unlock()

Completing this instruction, we do as it was previously, but with pause of further execution until respective lambda will be executed and respective mutex will be unlocked. Beware your lambda must wait whole queue.

Other way to implement such behaviour is to emit signals like for accessing UI.

Lambdas queue upper bound

There is the upper bound for lambda queue (MAX_LAMBDA_COUNT). Someone someday could wait in callAsync if there is no empty positions in lambdas queue.

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