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addyosmani edited this page Jun 13, 2012 · 1 revision

Internal docs for yeoman init

init(1) -- Init a new project


Creates and init a new project from a predefined template.

This page tries to document further what it could look like, figuring out how to restructure the init template code.

New init

Below are some notes and further informations about the new init template structure.

The goal of this init template is to be able to integrate gracefully with the grunt init task, while pulling in various files from a predefined list of projects.

The default init template is based on:

  • html5-boilerplate for the main base
  • twitter-bootstrap for the optional list of JavaScript plugins
  • compass_twitter_bootstrap for the sass files, as the CSS files are authored in sass

Project structure

With default template, prompts.

├── 404.html
├── apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png
├── apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png
├── apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.png
├── apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png
├── apple-touch-icon.png
├── apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
├── crossdomain.xml
├── css
│   ├── saas
│   │   ├── compass_twitter_bootstrap
│   │   ├── _compass_twitter_bootstrap_awesome.sass
│   │   ├── _compass_twitter_bootstrap_responsive.sass
│   │   └── _compass_twitter_bootstrap.sass
│   └── style.css
├── favicon.ico
├── grunt.js
├── humans.txt
├── index.html
├── js
│   ├── main.js
│   ├── plugins.js
│   └── vendor
│       ├── bootstrap-alert.js
│       ├── bootstrap-button.js
│       ├── bootstrap-carousel.js
│       ├── bootstrap-collapse.js
│       ├── bootstrap-dropdown.js
│       ├── bootstrap-modal.js
│       ├── bootstrap-popover.js
│       ├── bootstrap-scrollspy.js
│       ├── bootstrap-tab.js
│       ├── bootstrap-tooltip.js
│       ├── bootstrap-transition.js
│       ├── bootstrap-typeahead.js
│       ├── jquery-1.7.2.js
│       ├── jquery-1.7.2.min.js
│       ├── modernizr-2.5.3.min.js
│       ├──
│       └── tests
├── package.json
└── robots.txt

How it works?

In this section, I'm going (or trying :)) to figure out how the init task and template could be reworked to a bit more flexible, and handle the bootstrap of an init template by fetching and caching files from various repositories on GitHub.


  • prompts > download > cache > copy

Here is the overall "diagram" of how the template is layout:

Note: compass_tw refers to compass_twitter_bootstrap

                    |                     |
                    | Front init template |
                    |                     |
                    /          |          \
                   /           |           \
                  /            |            \

Fetch:    | h5bp |       | bootstrap |        | compass_tw |


Copy:     | h5bp |       | bootstrap |        | compass_tw |


End:      | h5bp |       | bootstrap |        | compass_tw |

                 \              |              /
                  \             |             /
                   \            |            /
                    \           |           /
                     \          |          /
                      \         |         /
                       \        |        /


The idea here is to split most of the codes to project specific handlers. Each of these files is used by the main init template, depending on prompts and / or configuration.

These "project" template should follow the same interface, which may look like the following:

user: 'github username'
repo: 'github repository name'
version: 'branch or specific tag)'

// this can be automatically created from user/repo/version
url: ""

// last arg is always a callback to pass control to the next step
fetch: function(done) {}
copy: function(done) {}
end: function(done) {}

(For the actual implementation, I'm leaning to EventEmitter based class)

This hopefully will make the code easier to work with, and adding / editing / removing a remote project should be far easier than it is today. At least, I hope so.

  • Fetch step download and cache the files. The fetch is prevented is a local cache exists.

  • Copy step handle a project specifically, and copy relevant files from the cache folder to the init's root template of Grunt.

  • End is an additional step, that does pretty much nothing right now. But it can be used to setup a final step, like a compilation one or something similar.

In order, the init template should:

  1. Clean, remove the root/ folder (to delete previous init "build")
  2. Trigger the template
  3. Prompts
  4. Fetch / Copy / End
  5. Grunt file copy with prompt renames (the feature in place with [D]efault, [C]ustom, [S]illy layouts. Allow user to rename specific folders
  6. Gruntfile Generation (from prompts and what is in the root folder)

Gruntfile Generation

The idea here is to build a fairly elaborated process and Gruntfile "generator" to create a Gruntfile and relevant configuration based on the prompts previously asked, and the state of the current files in `root/

  • Template based

  • based on prompts & props (props are the hash object returned by Grunt)

  • Lookup special files / directories via grunt.file.expandFiles

    • js/main.js
    • css/style.css
    • css/sass
    • ...
  • main.js + rjs prompt

    • init config for rjs prompt
  • css/sass folder

    • init config for the sass task
  • Lookup img/ dir or images/

    • setup the config for the img optim task
  • Lookup html files

    • setup the config for the html task
    • same for usemin
  • usemin needs to be configured for html files, css files (or sass directly?)

    • what the usemin task does is to update the reference to img that were revved by the rev task (
  • lookup js files, css files, and imgs

    • setup the rev task
  • ...

Gruntfile config generation for JS

Lookup js/ or javascript/ folder.

no rjs:

  • setup concat with js/vendor/*
  • setup min task with result of the concat task


  • setup rjs configuration
  • rjs optimizr takes care of all that (or maybe the minification can still be done via the min task)

Gruntfile default task generation

Depending no the result of the init template (prompts, root/ files), the default task and build:* should be setup to the relevant list of tasks.

Ex using norjs:

default           -> concat css min img rev usemin manifest
build:minify      -> concat css min img rev usemin manifest html:compress

Ex using rjs

default           -> css rjs img rev usemin manifest
build:minify      -> css rjs img rev usemin manifest html:compress


State of the current implementation looks like the following:

Running "init:yeoman" (init) task
This task will create one or more files in the current directory, based on the
environment and the answers to a few questions. Note that answering "?" to any
question will show question-specific help and answering "none" to most questions
will leave its value blank.

<WARN> Existing files may be overwritten! Used --force, continuing. </WARN>

"yeoman" template notes:
... More notes to come here ...

Please answer the following:

This might take a few moment

>> Done in 1.58s.
>> Done in /Users/mk/src/experiments/yeo/cli/tasks/init/remotes/_cache/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/master

Please answer the following:
[?] Would you like to include vwall/compass-twitter-bootstrap repository? (Y/n)
[?] Do you need to make any changes to the above before continuing? (y/N)

This might take a few moment

>> Done in 1.843s.
>> Done in /Users/mk/src/experiments/yeo/cli/tasks/init/remotes/_cache/vwall/compass-twitter-bootstrap/master

Please answer the following:
[?] Would you like to include twitter/bootstrap repository? (Y/n)
[?] Do you need to make any changes to the above before continuing? (y/N)

This might take a few moment

>> Done in 5.196s.
>> Done in /Users/mk/src/experiments/yeo/cli/tasks/init/remotes/_cache/twitter/bootstrap/master

Writing .gitattributes...OK
Writing .gitignore...OK
Writing .htaccess...OK
Writing 404.html...OK
Writing apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png...OK
Writing apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png...OK
Writing apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.png...OK
Writing apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png...OK
Writing apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png...OK
Writing apple-touch-icon.png...OK
Writing crossdomain.xml...OK
Writing css/sass/_compass_twitter_bootstrap.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/_compass_twitter_bootstrap_awesome.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/_compass_twitter_bootstrap_responsive.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_accordion.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_alerts.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_breadcrumbs.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_button-groups.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_buttons.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_carousel.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_close.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_code.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_component-animations.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_dropdowns.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_font-awesome.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_forms.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_grid.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_hero-unit.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_labels-badges.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_layouts.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_mixins.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_modals.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_navbar.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_navs.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_pager.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_pagination.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_popovers.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_progress-bars.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_reset.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_responsive-1200px-min.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_responsive-767px-max.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_responsive-768px-979px.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_responsive-navbar.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_responsive-utilities.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_scaffolding.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_sprites.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_tables.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_thumbnails.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_tooltip.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_type.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_utilities.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_variables.sass...OK
Writing css/sass/compass_twitter_bootstrap/_wells.sass...OK
Writing css/style.css...OK
Writing favicon.ico...OK
Writing humans.txt...OK
Writing img/.gitignore...OK
Writing index.html...OK
Writing js/main.js...OK
Writing js/plugins.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/.jshintrc...OK
Writing js/vendor/bootstrap-alert.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/bootstrap-button.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/bootstrap-carousel.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/bootstrap-collapse.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/bootstrap-dropdown.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/bootstrap-modal.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/bootstrap-popover.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/bootstrap-scrollspy.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/bootstrap-tab.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/bootstrap-tooltip.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/bootstrap-transition.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/bootstrap-typeahead.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/jquery-1.7.2.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/jquery-1.7.2.min.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/modernizr-2.5.3.min.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/
Writing js/vendor/tests/index.html...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/phantom.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/server.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-alert.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-button.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-carousel.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-collapse.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-dropdown.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-modal.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-phantom.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-popover.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-scrollspy.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-tab.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-tooltip.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-transition.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/unit/bootstrap-typeahead.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/vendor/jquery.js...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/vendor/qunit.css...OK
Writing js/vendor/tests/vendor/qunit.js...OK
Writing robots.txt...OK

Initialized from template "yeoman".

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