Repo containing a few config files that I use across my different machines.
Currently used for one AMD desktop and one Intel (Dell XPS) laptop. Both run Arch Linux.
A few packages used:
- sway
- fuzzel
- wf-recorder
- swappy (editing image)
- wl-clipboard
- slurp (for selecting parts of the screen)
- grim (taking screenshot)
- i3status-rust
- mako (notifications in sway)
- lxsession (escalate permission?)
- fish
- task (for simple task management)
- neovim
Add .local/bin
to path with fish_add_path -a ~/.local/bin
Add vim-plug (plug.vim
) to /home/martin/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload
Start nvim and run :PlugUpdate
Terminal: foot
Menu: fuzzel
Status bar: i3status-rust
Notification daemon: mako