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EPUB Reader

Jonathan McGlone edited this page Mar 15, 2019 · 11 revisions

To display EPUBs in a web browser, heliotrope includes cozy-sun-bear as a gem, a JS library developed by HathiTrust and the University of Michigan Library. The e-book reader wraps epub.js and provides methods for adding widgets around the display of the EPUB itself (pagination, table of contents, preferences, citation generator, etc.). Modules can be completely custom to the application that is using cozy-sun-bear.

Features included in heliotrope

  • Full-text search and search match highlighting
  • Citable permalink and citation formatting tools
  • Full-screen mode
  • Navigation slider to indicate position in e-book
  • Customizable reading preferences (scroll-mode, font size adjustments, color schemes)
  • Custom branding for publisher (colors, logo)
  • Navigation back to previous page
  • Support for EPUB and WebGL interaction (Example)
  • Social sharing tools
  • Support for download of representative assets (EPUB, PDF, MOBI)

Formatting EPUBs for Optimum Display

See the Fulcrum Edition specification for EPUBs to learn how to markup and structure your EPUB file.

Canonical Fragment Identifier

Ugh! EPUB CFIs...