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Deploying a new Package Version

Graham Hency edited this page Jan 7, 2022 · 2 revisions

When you're ready to cut a version version of Goponents do the following:

  1. Create a branch off dev that increments the version number in projects/go-lib/package.json using semver.
  2. Create a pull request into dev
  3. Once that pull request is merged, create another pull request that merges dev into main.
  4. There is a GitHub Action that runs a check on this pull request ensuring the version mentioned above is different that what exists in main. This is important because we cannot publish the same version to npm, this is a required check and must pass.
  5. Once all checks pass and the PR is approved, you may merge.
  6. On merge, 3 things happen:
    1. A Github Action is triggered that creates a new Release in the Goponents repo with auto-generated release notes detailing what changed since the last release.
    2. The go-lib project is compiled into a production-ready library and then published to npm (note that this uses an token generated on and stored in the Secrets section of the GitHub Goponents repo settings)
    3. The go-style-guide project is picked up by Netlify, compiled into a production app, and deployed to
  7. For good measure, it would be nice to announce this in the Tangoe UI Community Teams channel so that all products are aware of the new version.

As a side note, some of the GitHub Actions for CI/CD cannot be run against forked pull requests for security reasons

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