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ci: fetch each GitHub user's security information at login
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This is needed now that we have persistent sessions, since otherwise
we'd need to persist their (overly powerful) GitHub token in the

Signed-off-by: Thomas Leonard <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
Thomas Leonard committed Dec 7, 2016
1 parent 5e49928 commit 9586bc8
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Showing 7 changed files with 97 additions and 75 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ci/_tags
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ true: package(pbkdf, sexplib)
true: package(asetmap)
true: package(github.unix)

<src/cI_web_utils.*>: package(ppx_sexp_conv)
<src/cI_web_utils.*> or <src/cI_projectID.*>: package(ppx_sexp_conv)

<src>: include
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion ci/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
open Astring
open Asetmap
open Sexplib.Std

module ID = struct
type t = {
user : string;
project : string;
} [@@deriving sexp]

let compare a b =
match a.user b.user with
| 0 -> a.project b.project
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ci/src/cI_projectID.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ open Asetmap
type t = private {
user : string;
project : string;
} [@@deriving sexp]
(** A project on GitHub *)

val v : user:string -> project:string -> t
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions ci/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module Error = struct
type t = string
let no_state_repo = "no-state-repo"
let permission_denied = "permission-denied"
let logout_needed = "logout-needed"

let uri_path id = "/error/" ^ id
let uri id = Uri.of_string (uri_path id)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -776,6 +777,12 @@ let error_page id =
p [pcdata "Permission denied"];
else if id = Error.logout_needed then
p [pcdata
"Access policy has changed - please log out and log back in so we can \
check your credentials against the new policy."];
p [pcdata (Printf.sprintf "Unknown error code %S" id)]
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ci/src/cI_web_templates.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module Error : sig
type t

val permission_denied : t
val logout_needed : t

val uri_path : t -> string
(** Path to redirect users to to see this error. *)
Expand Down
148 changes: 84 additions & 64 deletions ci/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -138,22 +138,13 @@ module User = struct
let name t =

let memo generate =
let cached = Hashtbl.create 5 in
fun k ->
try Hashtbl.find cached k
with Not_found ->
let v = generate k in
Hashtbl.add cached k v;

module Auth = struct
type password_file = (string * Hashed_password.t) list [@@deriving sexp]

type user_attributes = {
github_orgs : string list Lwt.t Lazy.t;
can_read_github : CI_projectID.t -> bool Lwt.t;
github_orgs : string list;
can_read_github : (CI_projectID.t * bool) list;
} [@@deriving sexp]

type github_auth = {
client_id : string;
Expand All @@ -164,9 +155,10 @@ module Auth = struct
type t = {
github : github_auth option;
local_users : User.t String.Map.t;
mutable attributes : user_attributes String.Map.t;

let empty_attrs = { github_orgs = []; can_read_github = [] }

let lookup t ~user ~password =
match String.Map.find user t.local_users with
| Some ({ User.password = stored_pw; _ } as user) when Hashed_password.matches ~password stored_pw -> Some user
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,7 +195,7 @@ module Auth = struct
|> String.Map.of_list
|> String.Map.mapi (fun name password -> {; password })
{ github; local_users; attributes = String.Map.empty }
{ github; local_users }

let scopes = [`Read_org; `Repo]

Expand All @@ -220,26 +212,24 @@ module Auth = struct
Some url

let handle_github_callback t ~code =
let handle_github_callback t ~code ~repos =
match t.github with
| None -> Lwt.return @@ Error "GitHub auth is not configured!"
| Some github ->
Github.Token.of_code ~client_id:github.client_id ~client_secret:github.client_secret ~code () >>= function
| None -> Lwt.return @@ Error "Token.of_code failed (no further information available)"
| Some token -> (Github.User.current_info ~token ()) >|= fun resp -> (Github.User.current_info ~token ()) >>= fun resp ->
let user_info = Github.Response.value resp in
let github_orgs = lazy ( begin
let open! Github.Monad in
Github.User.current_info ~token () >|= Github.Response.value >>= fun user_info ->
let user = user_info.Github_t.user_info_login in
Github.Organization.user_orgs ~token ~user () |> Github.Stream.to_list >|= fun orgs ->
let orgs = (fun org -> org.Github_t.org_login) orgs in (fun f -> f "User %S belongs to %a" user (Fmt.Dump.list Fmt.string) orgs);
) in begin
let open! Github.Monad in
Github.User.current_info ~token () >|= Github.Response.value >>= fun user_info ->
let user = user_info.Github_t.user_info_login in
Github.Organization.user_orgs ~token ~user () |> Github.Stream.to_list >|= fun orgs ->
let orgs = (fun org -> org.Github_t.org_login) orgs in (fun f -> f "User %S belongs to %a" user (Fmt.Dump.list Fmt.string) orgs);
end >>= fun github_orgs ->
let user = "github:" ^ user_info.Github_t.user_info_login in
let can_read_github project =
Lwt.try_bind (fun () ->
Expand All @@ -259,52 +249,68 @@ module Auth = struct
Lwt.return false
Lwt_list.map_s (fun p -> can_read_github p >|= fun flag -> (p, flag)) repos >>= fun can_read_github ->
let attributes = {
can_read_github = memo can_read_github;
} in
t.attributes <- String.Map.add user attributes t.attributes;
Ok user

let github_orgs t ~user =
match String.Map.find user t.attributes with
| Some attrs -> Lazy.force attrs.github_orgs
| None -> Lwt.return []

let can_read_github t ~user project =
match String.Map.find user t.attributes with
| Some attrs -> attrs.can_read_github project
| None -> Lwt.return false
Lwt.return (Ok (user, attributes))

type server = {
auth : Auth.t;
session_backend : Session.Backend.t;
web_config : CI_web_templates.t;
has_role : role -> user:string option -> bool Lwt.t;
has_role :
role -> user:string option -> attrs:Auth.user_attributes ->
(bool, CI_web_templates.Error.t) result;
acl_github_repos : CI_projectID.t list; (* Repositories we need info about *)

let cookie_key t =
"__ci_session:" ^

let rec matches_acl ~auth ~user acl =
match acl, user with
| `Everyone, _ -> Lwt.return true
| `Username required, Some actual -> Lwt.return (required = actual)
| `Github_org org, Some user -> Auth.github_orgs auth ~user >|= List.mem org
| `Can_read project, Some user -> Auth.can_read_github auth ~user project
| `Any xs, _ -> Lwt_list.exists_s (matches_acl ~auth ~user) xs
| (`Username _ | `Github_org _ | `Can_read _), None -> Lwt.return false
let can_read_github ~user p attrs =
try Ok (List.assoc p attrs.Auth.can_read_github)
with Not_found ->
match user with
| Some user when String.is_prefix ~affix:"github:" user ->
Error (CI_web_templates.Error.logout_needed)
| _ -> Ok false

let rec matches_acl ~user ~attrs = function
| `Everyone -> Ok true
| `Username required -> Ok (Some required = user)
| `Github_org org -> Ok (List.mem org attrs.Auth.github_orgs)
| `Can_read project -> can_read_github ~user project attrs
| `Any xs ->
let rec aux = function
| [] -> Ok false
| x::xs ->
match matches_acl ~user ~attrs x with
| Ok false -> aux xs
| Ok true | Error _ as r -> r
aux xs

let rec github_repos_in_policy = function
| `Can_read project -> [project]
| `Any xs -> List.concat ( github_repos_in_policy xs)
| `Everyone | `Username _ | `Github_org _ -> []

let server ~auth ~web_config ~session_backend =
let has_role r ~user =
let has_role r ~user ~attrs =
match r with
| `Reader -> matches_acl web_config.CI_web_templates.can_read ~auth ~user
| `Builder -> matches_acl web_config.CI_web_templates.can_build ~auth ~user
| `LoggedIn -> Lwt.return (user <> None)
| `Reader -> matches_acl web_config.CI_web_templates.can_read ~user ~attrs
| `Builder -> matches_acl web_config.CI_web_templates.can_build ~user ~attrs
| `LoggedIn -> Ok (user <> None)
let acl_github_repos =
github_repos_in_policy web_config.CI_web_templates.can_read @
github_repos_in_policy web_config.CI_web_templates.can_build
let session_backend = Session.connect session_backend in
{ auth; session_backend; web_config; has_role }
{ auth; session_backend; web_config; has_role; acl_github_repos }

let web_config t = t.web_config

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,6 +379,7 @@ module Session_data = struct
csrf_token : string;
login_redirect : string option; (* Redirect here when login succeeeds. *)
username : string option;
attrs : Auth.user_attributes;
} [@@deriving sexp]

let csrf_token t = t.csrf_token
Expand All @@ -391,7 +398,7 @@ class virtual resource_with_session t =
| Ok None | Error _ -> (fun f -> f "Generating new session");
let csrf_token = B64.encode (Nocrypto.Rng.generate 16 |> Cstruct.to_string) in
let value = { Session_data.csrf_token; username = None; login_redirect = None } in
let value = { Session_data.csrf_token; username = None; login_redirect = None; attrs = Auth.empty_attrs } in
self#session_set (Session_data.to_string value) rd >>= fun () ->
Lwt.return value

Expand All @@ -400,6 +407,16 @@ class virtual resource_with_session t =
Wm.continue () rd

let all_roles t ~user ~attrs roles =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> Ok true
| x::xs ->
match t.has_role ~user ~attrs x with
| Ok true -> aux xs
| Ok false | Error _ as r -> r
aux roles

class virtual protected_page t =
inherit resource_with_session t
Expand All @@ -415,14 +432,16 @@ class virtual protected_page t =
match session.Session_data.username with
| Some _ as username ->
authenticated_user <- username;
begin Lwt_list.for_all_s (t.has_role ~user:username) roles_needed >>= function
| true -> Wm.continue `Authorized rd
| false -> Wm.continue (`Redirect (CI_web_templates.Error.(uri permission_denied))) rd
let attrs = session.Session_data.attrs in
begin match all_roles t ~user:username ~attrs roles_needed with
| Ok true -> Wm.continue `Authorized rd
| Ok false -> Wm.continue (`Redirect (CI_web_templates.Error.(uri permission_denied))) rd
| Error err -> Wm.continue (`Redirect (CI_web_templates.Error.(uri err))) rd
| None ->
Lwt_list.for_all_s (t.has_role ~user:None) roles_needed >>= function
| true -> Wm.continue `Authorized rd
| false ->
match all_roles t ~user:None ~attrs:Auth.empty_attrs roles_needed with
| Ok true -> Wm.continue `Authorized rd
| Ok false ->
let login_redirect =
match Uri.path rd.Wm.Rd.uri with
| "/auth/logout" -> None
Expand All @@ -431,6 +450,7 @@ class virtual protected_page t =
let value = {session with Session_data.login_redirect} in
self#session_set (Session_data.to_string value) rd >>= fun () ->
Wm.continue (`Redirect (Uri.of_string "/auth/login")) rd
| Error err -> Wm.continue (`Redirect (CI_web_templates.Error.(uri err))) rd

class virtual post_page t = object(self)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -568,10 +588,10 @@ class github_callback t = object(self)
match Uri.get_query_param rd.Wm.Rd.uri "code" with
| None -> reject "Missing code"
| Some code ->
Auth.handle_github_callback t.auth ~code >>= function
Auth.handle_github_callback t.auth ~code ~repos:t.acl_github_repos >>= function
| Error err -> reject err
| Ok user ->
let session = {session_data with Session_data.username = Some user} in
| Ok (user, attrs) ->
let session = {session_data with Session_data.username = Some user; attrs} in
self#session_set (Session_data.to_string session) rd >>= fun () ->
begin match session.Session_data.login_redirect with
| None -> Lwt.return "/"
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8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions ci/src/cI_web_utils.mli
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Expand Up @@ -28,14 +28,6 @@ module Auth : sig
val lookup : t -> user:string -> password:string -> User.t option
(** [lookup t (username, password)] returns the user with name [username] if the user exists and
the password is correct. *)

val github_orgs : t -> user:string -> string list Lwt.t
(** [github_orgs t ~user] is the list of GitHub organisations to which the user belongs.
Results are cached (and therefore may not be completely up-to-date until the user logs out and back in again). *)

val can_read_github : t -> user:string -> CI_projectID.t -> bool Lwt.t
(** [can_read_github t ~user project] checks whether the user can read the details of the given repository.
Results are cached (and therefore may not be completely up-to-date until the user logs out and back in again). *)

type server
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