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Flight Advisor Service GitHub release (latest by date) Release Codename Twitter Follow

Flight Advisor Service is a set of APIs for primarily finding the cheapest flight from city A to City B is based on price, and as a result, it returns all the trip information alongside the distance(s).

This service is a great example of migrating spring boot from the older version 2.7.x to 3.1.x. You can check the changes from commit changes of each version release (as code) or release notes as information. And the Spring Boot 2.5.x to 3.1.x migration Guide would help you in your migration journey.

System Functionality

  • This project is developing a layered monolith Spring Boot based project (with the latest version 3.4.0-M1), on Java 22, and with an embedded database mode.
  • This OAuth2-based project uses a JWT token to secure endpoints and a refresh token to get a new JWT token without login.
  • Therefore, you need to register first to continue using the system.
  • The functionality is reached based on user roles, and the system has three roles.
    • Admin: user is a predefined user ([email protected]/Admin1234).
      • Admin needs to log-in first through /signin API to get their token to contact the system.
      • This user can upload airports and flight routes.
      • Admin manages cities by adding, updating, or deleting them.
      • Actually, the admin can do anything in the system.
    • Client: Clients should register before using the system through /signup public API.
      • After successful registration, they can use the public /signin API to get a token to contact the system successfully.
      • Client can use all read API calls.
      • Clients can add, manage their comments for a city, add, update, delete their comments, and see other comments.
      • Client can get the cheapest flight by calling /cities/travel API and providing airport codes for [from the city] and [to the city].
    • Public: it is not a role, but anonymous users use APIs under public (some APIs need access and will be marked as ACCESS REQUIRED).
      • Use /signin API call to log-in to the system, supplying the username and password. Then you will get a valid JWT token with a longer living refresh token.
      • Use /signout to logout from the system. (ACCESS REQUIRED)
      • Use /change_password to change your current password so you will be logged-out, and you need to log-in again to access the system. (ACCESS REQUIRED)
      • Use /refresh_token when your access token is expired to get new JWT access and refresh the token with the previous not expired refresh token without login into the system again. (ACCESS REQUIRED)
      • Use /signup API call to register as a client to use the system functionalities related to the client; otherwise, the client will receive Not Authorized.

Getting started

Project Management

  1. I have used GitHub projects to manage my tasks in the Flight-Advisor project. Project Link.
  2. All MVP tasks are assigned to the Flight Advisor API MVP Milestone. Milestone Link.
  3. I used pull requests to manage and close assigned tasks. Tasks Link.
  4. Finally, I have added releases to manage small feature sprints until the final release, v1.0. Releases Link.
  5. Have a look at open issues for future enhancements. Opened Issues.

System components Structure

Let's first explain the system layers structure to understand its components:

Flight-Advisor --> Parent folder. 
|- docs --> Contains system images.
|- data --> Contains Airports and routes files.
|- frontend --> Contains the frontend UI project.
|- src/main/java - org.siriusxi.fa (package)
  |- --> The main starting point of the application.
  |- api --> Contains All REST API controllers that receive requests from the client
             to process that request and, finally, return appropriate responses. 
             It contains all request and response DTOs.
  |- repository --> All the database entities CRUD management services. 
  |- domain --> Domain contains all the database-modeled entities.
  |- infra --> Contains all the configurations, exceptions, security management, 
               support utilities, and dto <--> entities mappers for the system support. 
  |- service --> Contains all the system business login, 
                 receives calls from Controllers, calls the repository to retrieve and manage data, 
                 then processes them to return to the controllers. 

Now, as we have learned about different system layers and components, so it is time then to play, let's play.

Playing With Flight Advisor Service

First things first, you need to download the following pieces of software to have fun with the project:

Required software

The following are the initially required software pieces:

  1. Maven: it can be downloaded from
  2. Git: it can be downloaded from
  3. Java 22+36-2370: it can be downloaded from
  4. Node.js 17.8+: Latest features, can be downloaded from
  5. Angular CLI 12.2+: Install it with the following command: npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

Follow the installation guide for each software on provided website link and check your software versions from the command line to verify that they are all installed correctly.

Cloning It

Now it is the time to open terminal or git bash command line, and then clone the project under any of your favorite places with the following command:

> git clone

Using an IDE

I recommend that you work with your Java code using an IDE that supports the development of Spring Boot applications such as Spring Tool Suite or IntelliJ IDEA Community | Ultimate Edition.

All you have to do is fire up your favorite IDE -> open or import the parent folder Flight-Advisor, everything will be ready for you.

Building & Running The System

To build and run Flight Advisor (FA) system components, run the following command:

Building FA Components

FA backend
πŸ‘» [mtaman]:Flight-Advisor ~~ ./mvnw clean package

Now you should expect output like this:

[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.4.2:jar (default-jar) @ flight-advisor ---
[INFO] Building jar: C:\Users\...\Projects\java\Flight-Advisor\target\flight-advisor-6.0.jar
[INFO] --- spring-boot-maven-plugin:3.4.0-M1:repackage (repackage) @ flight-advisor ---
[INFO] Replacing main artifact C:\Users\...\Projects\java\Flight-Advisor\target\flight-advisor-6.0.jar with repackaged archive, adding nested dependencies in BOOT-INF/.
[INFO] The original artifact has been renamed to C:\Users\...\Projects\java\Flight-Advisor\target\flight-advisor-6.0.jar.original
[INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:3.5.0:integration-test (default) @ flight-advisor ---
[INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:3.5.0:verify (default) @ flight-advisor ---
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  25.658 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-09-02T14:16:57+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
FA frontend
πŸ‘» [mtaman]:Flight-Advisor ~~ cd frontend
πŸ‘» [mtaman]:frontend ~~ npm install && ng build

Now you should expect output like this:

removed 1 package and audited 1521 packages in 6.658s

85 packages are looking for funding
    run `npm fund` for details
found 6 vulnerabilities (3 low, 1 moderate, 1 high, 1 critical)
    run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
    βœ” Browser application bundle generation complete.
    βœ” Copying assets complete.
    βœ” Index html generation complete.
    Initial Chunk Files | Names         |      Size
    vendor.js           | vendor        |   4.37 MB
    scripts.js          | scripts       | 153.22 kB
    polyfills.js        | polyfills     | 149.77 kB
    styles.css          | styles        | 142.28 kB
    main.js             | main          |  13.32 kB
    runtime.js          | runtime       |   6.15 kB
                        | Initial Total |   4.83 MB

Build at: 2022-04-13T18:30:00.555Z - Hash: ccf039ad034c30696fdb - Time: 8608ms

Running the System

Now it's the time to run the system, and it's straightforward, just hit the following commands:

FA backend
πŸ‘» [mtaman]:Flight-Advisor ~~ java --enable-preview -jar ./target/*.jar \ 
πŸ‘» [mtaman]:Flight-Advisor ~+


 πŸ‘» [mtaman]:Flight-Advisor ~~ ./mvnw spring-boot:run \
 πŸ‘» [mtaman]:Flight-Advisor ~+"--enable-preview" \
 πŸ‘» [mtaman]:Flight-Advisor ~+""

Flight Advisor backend service will run, with embedded H2 database that will be created under db folder and then the file, and you should expect an output like this:

2022-04-13 13:56:16.587  INFO 2981 --- [  restartedMain] o.s.b.a.h2.H2ConsoleAutoConfiguration: 
H2 console available at '/db-console'. 
Database available at 'jdbc:h2:./db/flightDB'

2022-04-13 13:56:18.081  INFO 2981 --- [  restartedMain] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer: 
Tomcat started on port(s): 8090 (http) with 
context path 'api/v1/flight/service'

2022-04-13 13:56:18.581  INFO 2981 --- [  restartedMain] o.s.h.f.F.AppStartupRunner: 
Congratulations, Flight Advisor Application, is Up & Running :)
FA frontend
πŸ‘» [mtaman]:frontend ~~ npm start

Flight Advisor UI will run, and you should expect an output like this:

** Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:4200, 
   open your browser on http://localhost:4200/ **

βœ” Compiled successfully.

Access Flight Advisor System APIs

You can play and test Flight Advisor APIs throughout its OpenAPI interface.

  1. Go to the landing page at the following URL [http://localhost:8090/api/v1/flight/service/] (http://localhost:8090/api/v1/flight/service/).

  2. Follow the link on the page, and you should see the following:

    System APIs

  3. More beautifully with its UI at http://localhost:4200/, and you expect this view for login:

    ClientLogin page And this view after login, to travel:

    System APIs

System Behaviour

  1. First, if you want to upload airports or routes (in the data folder) using the Files upload Management section:
    1. Log-in with the provided admin username/password to the auth/signin endpoint.
    2. On successful login, the response will contain an authorization token; copy it.
    3. Click on the Authorize button and paste it into the only field out there, value, then click the Authorize button.
    4. All locks are closed, and you can use the secured APIs.
  2. If you are a new client and want to access the system, you must first register through the /auth/signup endpoint. Then follow the previous point 1.1.
  3. When uploading the Airports file, countries and cities will be created automatically.
  4. All search parameters are case-insensitive, and the system uses a like search by default.
  5. To add a city, you need a country, so from the country management section, you can search for the country you want.
  6. To manage comments, you need a city, so from the city management section, you can get all cities or search for a specific city.
  7. You can search for all airports in a specific city to know their codes so that you can use travel services.
  8. Use a travel service to search for the cheapest flight from city to city, for example traveling from CAI (Cairo International Airport, Egypt) to LAX (Los Angeles, USA); the following results will be returned:
    "start": {
      "airport": "Cairo International Airport",
      "city": "Cairo",
      "country": "Egypt",
      "iata": "CAI"
    "through": [
        "airport": "Lester B. Pearson International Airport",
        "city": "Toronto",
        "country": "Canada",
        "iata": "YYZ"
    "end": {
      "airport": "Los Angeles International Airport",
      "city": "Los Angeles",
      "country": "United States",
      "iata": "LAX"
    "price": {
      "total": 62.17,
      "currency": "US"
    "distance": {
      "total": 12722.2,
      "in": "KM"

Access Flight Advisor System Database

You can access the database through its online console from the following URL [http://localhost:8090/api/v1/flight/service/db-console/] (http://localhost:8090/api/v1/flight/service/db-console/) with the following properties:

  • Driver class: org.h2.Driver
  • JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:./db/flightDB
  • user: sa
  • password: Admin1234

System DB

Hit test, and it should show a green bar for successful settings. So hit the Connect button and explore all data.

Stopping The System

Just press the CTRL+C keys on the terminal.

Closing The Story

Finally, I hope you enjoyed the application and found it useful. If you would like to enhance it, please open PR, and yet give it a 🌟.

The End

Happy Coding 😊


Copyright (C) 2023 Mohamed Taman, Licensed under the MIT License.


Flight advisor Service APIs for finding the cheapest flights.







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