bash script to de-obfuscate stacktraces using the Acralyzer URL and access to Jenkins build dirs
####commandline tools
curl - a http downloader, you probably already have it
jq - a JSON parser - - available in Fedora repo
####Build environment Jenkins should be set to archive the mapping.txt file, this can be done in the 'Post-build Actions' part, add an 'Archive the artifacts' and include
in the comma-separated list.
The ACRA report needs to include Jenkins' build number somewhere, such as the app's version string.
####Configuration You'll probably need to edit some of the vars set at the top of the file:
JENKINS_JOB_NAME defaulted to 'master', can be changed here or overidden by setting an environment variable
JENKINS_BUILDS filesystem path to your job's builds directory
EXTRACT_BUILD_NUM_FROM_FIELD the field in the ACRA report that contains your Jenkins build number, e.g. 'APP_VERSION_NAME'
EXTRACT_BUILD_NUM_REGEX regex to extract the build number from that field. As an example, mine is:
and the regex:
extracts the number '277' which has been set into AndroidManifest.xml from Jenkins' BUILD_NUMBER at build time.
####Script execution
Currently the mapping.txt is read from the local filesystem so the script must be run on a machine with filesystem access to Jenkins' jobs directory. It could be enhanced to download this via HTTP using curl.
ANDROID_HOME should be set so it can locate which is included in the SDK.
Ensure the file is executable (chmod ugo+x acra-retrace) then call it with one parameter - the URL of your report in Acralyzer e.g.:
- How do we trigger this nicely when looking at the Acralyzer web interface?
- Pass authentication details to the ACRA report site
- Get mapping.txt from Jenkins over HTTP, possibly with authentication
- Automatically update all the stacktraces in the database, I assume couch allows updates via HTTP POSTs so a bit more curl, some looping and maybe cron could automate the entire thing and have the de-obfuscated trace available in Acralyzer’s UI.