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NHDH a Stats Reducer for AWS CSV

The purpose of this program is to reduce the large number of line items in a detailed billing file to a daily/monthly summary.

What it does

  • Downloads direct from your billing bucket
  • Displays a monthly summary including daily total, % daily difference, running total
  • Emails the monthly summary to a list of recipients
  • processes uploaded billing zip files
  • provides a summary csv for download
  • basic js graphing
  • flask caching - for those large reports
  • added support for UnBlendedCost or Cost report formats - its a kludge but it works

What we are currently working on

  • a better ui - to replace the crappy one monk-ee knocked up
  • administrative panel
  • json gui


  • You will need to fill out the configuration data in the config.yml.sample and save it as config.yml

  • s3

  • account_number : '' #your Amazon Account number

  • billing_bucket : '' #the name of your billing bucket

  • name : '' #the name of your administrative account user - currently not used

  • aws_access_key : '' #user access key

  • aws_secret_key : '' #user secret key

  • smtp

  • name : '' # name of account user - ses specific - currently not used

  • user : '' # user account for smtp auth

  • password : '' # user password for smtp auth

  • server : '' # smtp server without port

  • sender_address : '[email protected]' #smtp from address

  • port : '587' # we always engage tls

  • recipients: # this is an array of accounts

  • address : '[email protected]'

  • general:

  • format : 'standard' # we have noticed that there are different formats for the bills

  • filter: ''

  • debug : 'True' # bugginess to be reported

  • cache:

  • timeout: '600'#the length of time you want your pages cached

  • scheduler:

  • hourly_interval: '4' #the interval at which the scheduler runs

  • logfile: 'nhdh.log' # a log file mainly for scheduler actions

  • on the AWS side you will need to ensure that the S3 billing bucket has a policy to allow access to it and that programmatic access to billing is enabled.

  • resolve all dependencies

  • you can change the port in the


  • Flask==0.10.1
  • Jinja2==2.7.1
  • Werkzeug==0.9.4
  • wsgiref==0.1.2
  • boto==2.19.0
  • numpy==1.8.0
  • pandas==0.12.0
  • PyYAML==3.10
  • Flask-Cache==0.12
  • APScheduler==2.1.1


(Only debian/ubuntu instructions for now until I test it all out on RHEL)

Ensure you can build the required python libs by installing python development libraries:

sudo apt-get install python-dev

Install the required python libraries:

sudo pip install -r requirements

NHDH has been changed to a flask blueprint.

Run it up:


Test by going to: http://localhost:5000/ or http://yourservername:5000/

To run the scheduler:







Screenshot of home view:


Screenshot of daily summary view:


Screenshot of daily graph view:


Screenshot of email body:



  • @monkee_magic - hidden code development - poor html and css
  • @geekpetedotcom - hidden code and quality control
  • @linkthief - the stuff that everyone sees
  • @dizzy_thinks - mad refactoring skills