The Commons Library is a GPLv3-licensed C++ library that aims to provide a collection of utility functions and classes for various use-cases. It includes modules for file handling, GUI, HTTP, miscellaneous utilities, data processing, tests, and video.
Make sure you have CMake installed on your system to build the project.
To clone the Commons Library repository, run the following command:
git clone
Navigate to the root directory of the cloned repository and run the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Here is a simple example that demonstrates the use of dynamic GUI functionality in the Commons Library:
#include <gui/IMGUIBase.h>
#include <gui/DynamicGUI.h>
#include <misc/GlobalSettings.h>
#include <file/DataLocation.h>
#include <misc/CommandLine.h>
#include <gui/dyn/Action.h>
#include <video/FFmpegVideoCapture.h>
#include <video/VideoSource.h>
#include <file/PathArray.h>
#include <file/Path.h>
using namespace cmn;
using namespace gui;
using namespace gui::dyn;
int main(int argc, char**argv) {
// Initialize command line and working directory
CommandLine::init(argc, argv);
// Register custom data paths
file::DataLocation::register_path("app", [](const sprite::Map&, file::Path input) {
return input;
return CommandLine::instance().wd() / input;
// Define global variables
bool terminate = false;
SETTING(app_name) = std::string("test application");
SETTING(patharray) = file::PathArray("/Volumes/Public/work/*.pt");
SETTING(track_size_filter) = std::vector<float>{};
SETTING(image_width) = int(1024);
SETTING(region_model) = file::Path();
SETTING(gui_frame) = Frame_t(0);
SETTING(gui_run) = false;
SETTING(terminate) = false;
SETTING(mat) = cv::Mat();
// Create a list variable
static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<VarBase_t>> list;
std::vector<sprite::Map> _data;
for(size_t i = 0; i<300; ++i) {
sprite::Map tmp;
tmp["name"] = std::string("object"+Meta::toStr(i));
tmp["detail"] = std::string("detail");
tmp["color"] = ColorWheel{static_cast<uint32_t>(i)}.next();
tmp["pos"] = Vec2(100, 150+i*50);
tmp["size"] = Size2(25, 25);
tmp["visible"] = i % 2 == 0;
list.emplace_back(new Variable{
[i, &_data](const VarProps&) -> sprite::Map& {
return _data[i];
// Ability to add a module that makes a certain element draggable
// (since this is not a native ability of the json)
._name = "draggable",
._apply = [](size_t, State&, const Layout::Ptr& o) {
ExternalImage display;
GUITaskQueue_t queue;
dyn::DynamicGUI dynGUI;
// Open the Window
IMGUIBase base("Dynamic GUI Example",
[&](DrawStructure& graph) -> bool
if(not dynGUI) {
// Initialize Dynamic GUI once, when the program starts
// it contains all the context variables / actions for
// the GUI itself, which is loaded form the JSON file.
dynGUI = dyn::DynamicGUI{
// JSON file location
.gui = &queue,
.path = file::DataLocation::parse("app", "test_gui.json"),
.context = [&]() {
* In theory we could do all of this in one line, at least in most compilers.
* Visual Studio however currently (2022) has a bug that prevents this,
* so we have to create an inline lambda function to split up the assignments of
* variables and actions. Otherwise "the compiler" will "run out of heap space".
dyn::Context context;
context.variables = {
// variables can be accessed in lots of ways,
// e.g. printed out or looped through within
// the json
VarFunc("list_var", [](const VarProps&) -> std::vector<std::shared_ptr<VarBase_t>>&{ return list; }),
VarFunc("global", [](const VarProps&) -> sprite::Map& { return GlobalSettings::map(); }),
VarFunc("isTrue", [](const VarProps&) { return true; }),
VarFunc("add", [](const VarProps&) { return true; }),
VarFunc("path", [](const VarProps&) { return file::Path("Herakles"); }),
VarFunc("window_size", [](const VarProps&){
return Size2(1024,1024);
VarFunc("video_length", [](const VarProps&) -> Frame_t {
return 5000_f;
VarFunc("mouse", [&](const VarProps&) -> Vec2 {
return graph.mouse_position();
context.actions = {
// stuff that can be triggered by lists / buttons
// is an "Action". this quits the app:
ActionFunc("QUIT", [&](Action) { terminate = true; }),
ActionFunc("set", [&](Action a) {
if(a.parameters.size() < 2)
throw InvalidArgumentException("Not enough arguments for set:name: ", a);
if(not GlobalSettings::has(
throw InvalidArgumentException("Cannot find given parameter: ", a);
return context;
.base = &base
// Update Dynamic GUI
dynGUI.update(graph, nullptr);
queue.processTasks(&base, graph);
return not terminate; // Continue the event loop unless terminated
}, [&](auto&, const Event& event){
if(event.type == EventType::KEY
&& event.key.code == Keyboard::Escape)
terminate = true;
base.loop(); // Start the GUI event loop
return 0;
For the JSON configuration (`test_gui.json`) that accompanies this example, you might have something like:
{ "objects": [
{ "type":"vlayout", "pos":[20,10], "pad":[5,5,5,5],
"children": [
{ "type": "hlayout", "pad":[0,0,10,5], "children": [
{ "type": "button", "text": "Quit", "action": "QUIT"},
{ "type": "collection", "children": [
{"type": "text", "text": "Hello World!"}
{ "type": "textfield",
"text":"{mouse.x} {window_size.w} {video_length} -- {*:{video_length}:{/:{mouse.x}:{window_size.w}}}"
{"type": "vlayout", "pad":[5,5,5,5], "children": [
{"type":"settings","var": "app_name","fill": [50,50,50,125],"size":[300,40]},
{ "type":"settings","var": "patharray",
"fill": [50,50,50,125],
"font": { "size": 0.5 }
{ "type": "gridlayout",
"pos": [550, 600],
"horizontal_clr": [50,50,150,100],
"vertical_clr": [50,150,150,100],
"clickable": true,
"children": [
[{"type": "text", "text": "Entry 1"}],
[{"type": "stext",
"text": "<sym>▶⏸⏹📁❤⚖️⚠✓✂☁</sym> <key><c>Привет</c></key> {add} {path}",
"font": { "size": 0.5 }
[{"type": "text", "text": "region={global.region_model}"}],
[{"type": "text", "text": "app={global.app_name}"}]
{ "type":"rect","pos":[0,0],"size": [50,50],"fill":[255,0,0,125]},
{ "type":"circle","pos":[0,0],"radius":10,"fill":[125,125,0,125]},
{ "type":"condition", "var": "isTrue",
"then":{"type":"stext","text":"The value is <key>True</key>."},
"else":{"type":"stext","text":"The value is <key>False</key>."}
{ "type":"list",
"font":{ "size":0.75, "align":"center" },
"template": {
{ "type":"vlayout",
"children": [
{ "type": "each",
"var": "list_var",
"do": {
"then": {
"type": "stext",
"text": "{if:{equal:{global.gui_frame}:0}:'gui_frame is 0':'not zero {global.gui_frame}'} {} {i.color}",
"else": {
"type": "condition",
"then": {
"type": "rect",
"size": [100,100],
"fill": [255,255,255,255],
"line": "{i.color}"
"else": {
"type": "stext",
"text": "{}",
Feel free to contribute to the project by opening Pull Requests or Issues. Please follow the coding guidelines and keep your code as clean as possible. Thank you!
For more details, please refer to the documentation and examples provided.
If you want to contribute, please submit a pull request on GitHub and I will be happy to credit you here, for any substantial contributions!
Released under the GPLv3 License (see LICENSE).