Punc, the project code name for NowLeave.com, is a technical exercise by Moodio for our sister company Muljin on the use of several technologies and on our moving from Azure and Digital Ocean to a purely AWS environment. Punc is a secure production grade environment. While not all features are complete (list of what remains can be found below), the main pieces are all there and should help anyone looking on how to get started. The main technologies used in NowLeave are:
PLEASE REMEMBER this is a technical exercise and a continuing work in progress. Its likely there are things we've forgotten to include in code. If you come across any issues however please raise an issue and we'll try to correct it as soon as possible. Please also remember that the purpose of this repo is to serve as an example rather than to work out the box, you'll still need to go through the documentation on your own cloud provider, as well as the document websites for the different technologies used, especially kubernetes and istio which are quite complex.
The main remaining features revolve around telemetry, logging and mutual tls between services, which will be added over the next few weeks to take advantage of the features made available by Istio. Additionally, should time permit, an example gRPC service will be implemented and tracing.
Complete list of features remaining to be added are:
- Seperation of dev and production environments
- Centralised logging
- Tracing
- Telemetry
- gRPC Service
- Mutual TLS
If theres anything you'd like to see an example of, feel free to raise an issue and we'll do our best to include it.
Unfortunately we cannot give complete instructions on how to setup the kubernetes cluster, secrets, etc, as all of that is explained in detail on the kubernetes website. However, please take note of the following:
- Our experiment is run on AWS, with the domain DNS being managed on Route 53. If your setup is different, you will need to make changes to the Infrastructure\letsencrypt-issuer-prod.yaml file based on your own DNS provider. More specific instructions are available on the Cert Manager Docs Website
- When installing Istio, ensure that SDS is enabled and SDS is enabled, however that mTLS is DISABLED. A helm installation yaml will be added shortly however it's currently unavailable. Details on how to do this can be found on the istio website in anycase.
Things you will need to setup to get it all running:
- A Kubernetes cluster
- Istio on the kubernetes cluster
- A Postgresql database
- An AWS SES account or alternatively a SendGrid account. To use sendgrid just switch around the services in the Punc.Api startup file. (i.e. change line 18 in punc/Backend/Punc/Punc.Core/Installer.cs to be service.AddScoped<IEmailService, SendGridEmailService>(); and ensure the api key is stored in SendGrid__ApiKey environment variable (SendGrid:ApiKey in the IConfiguration key).
- A Stripe account
- A google developer accounts and access keys for Autocomplete, Directions, Geocoding and Recaptcha
- A docker repository.
- Once kubernetes is installed, run punc/Backend/Punc/Punc.Api/createsecrets.sh and fill out all your api keys so that they are stored in kubernetes and can be retrieved by the pods.
- To deploy to kubernetes, apply the configuration file punc/Backend/Punc/Punc.Api/k8s.yaml replacing the name of the docker image with your own.
The above steps are just summaries of what needs to be done, and are far more involved. So again please consult the websites referenced above and the documents for your own cloud provider. But if anything is missing or wrong please raise an issue!