strukturę katalogów projektu[TODO:] Latte x86 (AT&T) (stack machine) compiler with extensions:
- arrays
- structs
- objects
- objects with virtual methods.
Compiler was written in Haskell using standard library.
Additional requirements:
- 32-bit gcc libraries on 64-bit system
Usage (when gcc-multilib
./latc_x86 <file>
Usage on students
make students
./latc_x86_students <file>
Compiler writes "OK\n" to stderr if it accepts the program and returns code 0, otherwise it writes "ERROR\n" and according error message to stderr and returns code 1.
Extra assumptions:
- attribute (class field) name shadowing is forbidden
- reserved identifiers: "compareStrings_____", "concatStrings_____", "___iter", "___arr_ptr"
- reserved function's/method's names starting with "ret_"
- null cast has to be written without space:
- functions, methods and variables must have different names