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dholmes-epcc-ed-ac-uk edited this page Feb 1, 2016 · 1 revision

1st February 2016 Meeting Notes


Dan Holmes
Jim Dinan
Jeff Hammond
Ken Raffenetti


  1. deprecate MPI_Cancel for send requests (issue #26 on git)

    Reminder of straw poll results from face-to-face meeting in Dec 2015

     Option	Votes  Description
     1       0      make erroneous
     2       0      clarify text & make optional & deprecate
     3       5      clarify text & make optional
     4       11     deprecate

    Decision: create two branches in git; 1) for a pure errata to MPI-3.1 that only changes the errata doc; 2) for a full change to MPI- that changes the main document text.

    Dan to create git branches, co-ordination and approval of results via email list.

  2. assertions via info keys (issue #11 on git).

    Decision: changes from previous reading have already been applied in git. Issue just needs to be read again.

    Jim to create "remove change markers" commit in pull-request git branch.

  3. allocating recv and freeing send

    Decision: prepare a plenary presentation to socialise the ideas and prior art arguments.

    Jeff and Dan to discuss precise semantics and produce a slide deck. Input and approval via email list.

Active Topics

Info query:

Issue #63 -> PR #27

Arecv and Fsend:

Issue #32 -> PR (none yet)


Issue #65 -> PR (none yet)

Issue #66 -> PR (none yet)

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