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John D. Pope edited this page May 7, 2020 · 20 revisions

Troubleshooting / FAQ

I see results, what's going on?

The codebase has now been updated to use v3 of the data API. Please ensure you're on the latest version of mps-youtube.

Search results not relevant or differ from YouTube website

By default mps-youtube is set to search for videos in the music category. To change this to all categories, enter:

set search_music false

from within mps-youtube.

Downloaded audio files won't play in iTunes / other player or can't be tagged

Install ffmpeg (or avconv), mps-youtube will use it to fix the container data for future downloads.

Not enough search results

Enter n and p to view the next/previous page of results

I can stream audio but can't see the video

By default mps-youtube is set to play audio only. To view video output, enter:

set show_video true

from within mps-youtube.

Can I use an external application for downloads?

Yes, use set download_command to specify a custom command to use for downloading.

Type help dl-command from within mps-youtube for more help

Note that using a custom download command does not support transcoding the downloaded file to another format using mps-youtube.

Custom mplayer or mpv keyboard shortcuts are ignored

If you have defined custom keymappings for mpv or mplayer in an input.conf file and wish to use them in mps-youtube, copy (or symlink) the config file to the mps-youtube config dir. The file must be named mpv-input.conf or mplayer-input.conf

The mps-youtube config dir can be determined by running mpsyt --version

Search ordering settings don't seem to apply to channel listings

Currently there's a separate setting (user_order) that can be used to specify the desired search order for user results (separate to general searches). Ensure this is set appropriately.

Future releases will have the user_order automatically inherit from the order setting.

How to install the development version?

WARNING: This is development version which is changed continuously. If you have some problems, try regular upgrade with sudo pip install mps-youtube --upgrade. If that's not working for you, then try installing development version.

sudo pip3 install --upgrade

NOTE: If you want to rollback to the stable release, just uninstall with sudo pip uninstall mps-youtube and then install again with sudo pip install mps-youtube.

Encoding errors while downloading videos with non-ASCII characters in title

If you try to download a video that has non-ASCII characters in its title and you get an error like the following:

Problem playing last item: 'ascii' codec can't encode character...

for some reason, Python is detecting your terminal as not capable of supporting UTF-8. As a workaround, run


before running mpsyt.

Error fetching data. Possible network issue.

Youtube Error 403: Access Not Configured. YouTube Data API has not been used in project 422897895433 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.

Youtube Error 403: The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota.

mps-youtube shares a single youtube api_key for everbody, but as the user base grow larger, we may exceed the quota for a single api_key, if this happens, you can set your own api_key from the guide below (follow till step 3)

then set it in mps-youtube via

> set api_key <key value>
> q # quit app

Be sure to quit /restart app for changes to work!

If you can not even open the application, first delete cache with command: rm ~/.config/mps-youtube/cache_py_*