This enables translating mruby code into C code (not necessarily human readable). The main benefit is increased performance. We cannot achieve performance of real programmer-written C code, but we can improve on performance of interpreted mruby.
Stable enough for testing, but not tested enough for production use.
echo "puts 'hello world'" > test.rb ./compile test.rb ./runner
improved performance, obviously
code is shipped in binary form
virtually impossible to get back the original ruby code, because the binary code is compiled from mruby bytecode
3rd party binary obfuscators can be used to make it virtually impossible to recover even the bytecode from which it was compiled
output is a C file, which can be manually optimized if necessary (this is an extreme case however)
code is shipped in binary form
need to provide precompiled version for each platform, or compile on the fly (currently, this requires gcc or some compiler present on target machine)
it is not possible to ensure that the compiled file includes only ruby code, malicious users could include anything - solution is for vendor to oversee user-provided scripts, or to not allow user scripts, also to check CRC of binary to confirm authenticity
larger size of binary compared to ruby source file
about 300-500KB for typical script
compression should be very efficient, especially when compressing multiple files
Now it is possible to dynamically load other pre-compiled ruby files.
# some_ruby_file.rb load_compiled_mrb ""
I recommend you use the full file path.