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== bbot
bbot is Yet Another Blog Engine written in Rails. bbot is simple, but
featureful; exactly what I (you) need and nothing more.

== bbot Features
* Posts, comments and static pages
* Friendly permalinks
* Comment moderation and preview before submit
* Save and manage drafts
* Textile formatting of posts and comments
* RSS and Atom feeds
* Simple, effective caching
* RESTful

== Setup bbot
* Make sure you have Rails 2.0.2 (or greater) and any other dependencies (e.g. sqlite3) installed
* Setup a database configuration: use config/database.yml.sample as a starting point
* Create a secret for the cookie-based session store: run "rake secret" and copy the generated value into config/environment.rb:
    config.action_controller.session = {
        :session_key => '_bbot_session',
        :secret      => '<YOUR SECRET HERE>'
* rake db:migrate
* script/server 

== Using and Customizing bbot
* bbot is designed in a RESTful and (hopefully) intuitive manner:
    ** To create a post: http://<host>/posts/new
    ** To moderate comments: http://<host>/moderations
    ** To modify a draft: http://<host>/drafts
    ** Setup your own static pages: http://<host>/pages/new 
* Create a user account (necessary for posting, moderating and creating pages):
    $ cd bbot
    $ script/console
    >> User.create(:login => "blogger", :email => "[email protected]", :password => "password", :password_confirmation => "password")
* Set site-specific parameters: modify config/initializers/blog.rb
* Modify config.action_controller.session: session_key and secret 


Yet Another Blog Engine written in Rails






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