This Vim configuration is well organized and with many features, you will soon be used to it.
One command does it all.
curl -o - | sh
Don't worry, it will back up your existing Vim configuration.
These keybindings organized into logical groups to help you remember them.
If you open a tmux terminal alongside Vim then you can run commands, tests, and a REPL from your Vim selections.
Key | Action |
,rs | Send selected text to tmux |
,rv | Change tmux session, window, and pane attachment |
,rT | Run all tests in open feature |
,rt | Run test under cursor |
Key | Action |
C-c C-c | Send selected text to tmux |
C-c v | Change tmux session, window, and pane attachment |
Key | Action |
,tu | Generate or update ctags |
,tt | Open list of methods, classes, etc |
Key | Action |
,g? | Last-committed files (Monday morning key) |
,gs | Git status (fugitive) |
,gg | Git grep |
,gl | Git log (extradition) |
,gd | Git diff |
,gb | Git blame |
Key | Action |
,a= | Align on equal signs |
,a, | Align on commas |
,a| | Align on vertical bar |
,ap | Align on character of your choice |
Key | Action |
vai | Select whole block at indentation |
vii | Select inside block at indentation |
var | Select whole Ruby block |
vir | Select inside Ruby block |
Key | Action |
zM | Fold everything |
zm | Increase the foldlevel by one |
zR | Unfold everything |
zr | Decrease the foldlevel by one |
zA | Recursively toggle the current fold |
za | Toggle the current fold |
zO | Open all folds at the cursor |
zo | Open a fold at the cursor |
zE | Delete all folds |
zd | Delete the fold at the cursor |
zc | Close a fold under cursor |
zj | Move the cursor to the next fold |
zk | Move the cursor to the previous fold |
[z | Move to start of open fold |
]z | Move to end of open fold |
Key | Action |
,2s | Convert symbol under cursor from symbol to string |
,2y | Convert string under cursor from string to symbol |
,2_ | Convert string under cursor to snake_case |
,2c | Convert string under cursor to camelCase |
,2m | Convert string under cursor to MixedCase |
,2u | Convert string under cursor to SNAKE_UPPERCASE |
,2- | Convert string under cursor to dash-case |
Key | Action |
,<space> | Fuzzy file find (C-p) |
,sj | Open split below |
,sk | Open split above |
,sh | Open split leftward |
,sl | Open split rightward |
Key | Action |
,u | Interactive undo tree |
,ss | Enable spell checking |
,hc | Toggle highlighting of current column |
,e | Open file prompt with current path |
,<cr> | Clear search highlights |
,r | Redraw screen |
Q | Move previous tab or buffer |
W | Move next tab or buffer |
gS | Split a one-liner into multiple lines |
gJ | Join a block into a single-line statement |
C-h/j/k/l | Moving between spilt windows |
C-p | Toggle ctrlp |
Alt-1~9 | Switch between multiple buffers |
:Ack or ,a | Toggle Ack searching |
,c<space> | Toggle comment |
F2 | Toggle paste |
F3 | Toggle Indent Guides |
F4 | Toggle tagbar |
F5 | Toggle Nerd-Tree file viewer |
F10 | Toggle line number |
Compile Vim with --enable-pythoninterp
and --enable-rubyinterp
to enable powerful syntax completion supplied by neocomplcache.
For Mac OS X
brew install macvim --override-system-vim
brew install ack ctags
For Arch Linux
yaourt -S gvim
yaourt -S ack ctags
Just refer help docs, like:
:help text-objexts
:help surround
:help tabular
For syntax check tools:
Languages | Lint Tools | Install guide |
C | gcc | built-in |
CPP | g++ | built-in |
CoffeeScript | coffee | npm install -g coffeelint |
CSS | csslint | npm install -g csslint |
Erlang | escript | built-in |
Go | go | built-in |
Haml | haml | built-in |
Haskell | ghc-mod | cabal install ghc-mod |
HTML | tidy | built-in |
Java | javac | built-in |
Javascript | jshint | npm install -g jshint |
Json | jsonlint | npm install -g jsonlint |
Less | lessc | built-in |
Lisp | clisp | built-in |
Lua | luac | built-in |
Perl | perl | built-in |
PHP | php | built-in |
Puppet | puppet | built-in |
Python | pyflakes | sudo pip install pyflakes |
Ruby | ruby | built-in |
Scala | scala | built-in |
Sass | sass | built-in |
Scss | scss/compass | gem install compass |
XML | xmllint | built-in |
YAML | js-yaml | npm install -g js-yaml |
All plugins are listed in bundles.vim
with detailed comments, just add plugins as you like.
to clean up unused plugins:PluginInstall
to install newly added plugins:PluginUpdate
to upgrade all plugins
Other configurations are also well organized in vimrc.
If you want to synchronize with my configuration, just run
Happy coding with Vim!