So WTF is this ? Well, it's just a bunch of 8bit code tools and stuff that I've lumped together into one application. It started out as an Atari 2600 emulator but it's morphing into a large pile of miscellaneous stuff to do with 8bit machines. Good luck getting it to do anything useful.
There is another reason for making retrotools too... a purely selfish one. That is for me to practice modern C++... so you people who don't like modern C++ best prepare for some head scratching... or wailing :)
(tested on Raspian, PopOS)
$ sudo apt install cmake libsdl2-dev libopengl-dev
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
You should now have the 'vistella' executable in the folder
Needs someone to sort this out
Needs someone to sort this out