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JavaScript Development Environment from Pluralsight Course with Cory House

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JavaScript Development Environment

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This JavaScript Development Environment was created during the Pluralsight Course with Cory House. It's base is Node 6, using NPM as the package manager to load the dependencies.

Key Configuration Decisions

  • Editor Config This environment uses EditorConfig to define the coding style. VSCode is my editor of choice, but it should work with any compatible editor.
  • Package Management This environment uses NPM as the package manager with NSP to maintain the security of the code. NPM also handles script-based automation.
  • Development Web Server Express is used for both the development and the (local-only) production web server.
  • Transpiler Babel is used to transpile the code down to ES5 standards, enabing the source to be written in ES6.
  • Bundler Webpack is used to bundle the code to reduce download size, with third-party (vendor) JS and all CSS files separated from the core app JS. Sourcemaps are produced to enable debugging in the browser.
  • Linting Linting is handled by ESLint, included as an NPM dependency rather than installed directly into the editor, to ensure consistent linting for all uses of the environment. ESLint is set to watch files to alert to linting errors and warnings on file save. (NOTE: For users of Windows Subsystem Linux, the Creators Update is required to enable file-watching functionality)
  • Testing Mocha is used as the primary testing framework, using Chai as its assertion library, and JSDOM as a helper library to enable DOM testing without a browser. Testing is set up with file-watching capability, to run on every save and ensure failures are captured as soon as they are caused. (NOTE: For users of Windows Subsystem Linux, the Creators Update is required to enable file-watching functionality)
  • HTTP Calls & Mock API Browser-side HTTP Calls are handled using Fetch with polyfill to ensure that the function works on older browsers. Nock is used to mock an API to enable testing against it without linking up to a production API, using Schema Faker and Express.
  • Error Logging Error logging in the production environment is handled by TrackJS.
  • Continuous Integration Continuous Integration scripts have been set up for TravisCI (Linux) and Appveyor (Windows), with builds configured to watch the GitHub repo for changes.
  • Deployment Deployment of the production app post-build is handled through Surge.

Development Dependencies

Dependency Use
babel-cli Babel Command line interface
babel-core Babel Core for transpiling the new JavaScript to old
babel-loader Adds Babel support to Webpack
babel-preset-latest Babel preset for running all the latest standardized JavaScript features
babel-register Register Babel to transpile our Mocha tests
cheerio Supports querying DOM with jQuery like syntax - Useful in testing and build process for HTML manipulation
cross-env Cross-environment friendly way to handle environment variables
css-loader Add CSS support to Webpack
eslint Lints JavaScript
eslint-plugin-import Advanced linting of ES6 imports
eslint-watch Add watch functionality to ESLint
eventsource-polyfill Polyfill to support hot reloading in IE
expect Assertion library for use with Mocha
express Serves development and production builds
extract-text-webpack-plugin Extracts CSS into separate file for production build
file-loader Adds file loading support to Webpack
jsdom In-memory DOM for testing
mocha JavaScript testing library
npm-run-all Display results of multiple commands on single command line
open Open app in default browser
rimraf Delete files
style-loader Add Style support to Webpack
surge Deploy the production code to the web
url-loader Add url loading support to Webpack
webpack Bundler with plugin system and integrated development server
webpack-dev-middleware Adds middleware support to webpack
webpack-hot-middleware Adds hot reloading to webpack


JavaScript Development Environment from Pluralsight Course with Cory House






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