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Muaz Khan edited this page Nov 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

config.json is a JSON file.

  "socketURL": "/",
  "dirPath": "",
  "homePage": "/demos/index.html",
  "socketMessageEvent": "RTCMultiConnection-Message",
  "socketCustomEvent": "RTCMultiConnection-Custom-Message",
  "port": "9001",
  "enableLogs": "false",
  "autoRebootServerOnFailure": "false",
  "isUseHTTPs": "false",
  "sslKey": "./fake-keys/privatekey.pem",
  "sslCert": "./fake-keys/certificate.pem",
  "sslCabundle": "",
  "enableAdmin": "false",
  "adminUserName": "username",
  "adminPassword": "password"

PFX on windows? i.e. SSL on windows:

  "isUseHTTPs": "true",
  "sslKey": "/ssl/server.pfx"

dirPath is recommended to be an absolute path. However relative paths are also accepted. dirPath stands for HTML directory path.

  "dirPath": "/var/www/html/"

Keep dirPath empty to force same directory: (i.e. process.cwd())

  "dirPath": ""
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