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Components for rendering a newforms Form using Bootstrap 3 CSS classes and conventions for layout.


  • The Form of Death - a form with a range of validation defined, including async field validation and whole-form validation, rendered with the <BootstrapForm> component.
  • Grid Components - a form layout making use of the the Bootstrap grid, with the provided <Container>, <Row>, <Col> and <Field> components.
  • All Default Fields - a form usiong all the default newforms Fields and Widgets, rendered with the <BootstrapForm> component.



newforms-bootstrap can be used on the server, or bundled for the client using an npm-compatible packaging system such as Browserify or webpack.

npm install newforms-bootstrap

By default, newforms-bootstrap will be in development mode. To use it in production mode, set the environment variable NODE_ENV to 'production' when bundling. To completely remove all development mode code, use a minifier that performs dead-code elimination, such as UglifyJS.

Browser bundle

The browser bundle exposes a global BootstrapForm variable and expects to find global React (React) and forms (newforms) variables to work with.

The uncompressed bundle is in development mode, so will log warnings about potential mistakes.

You can find it in the /dist directory.


Basic Form

Pass BootstrapForm a Form instance as a form prop.

Any component which accepts a form prop can be used as a custom renderer for newforms' RenderForm component, which can also handle creation of a form instance for you:

var forms = require('newforms')
var BootstrapForm = require('newforms-bootstrap')

var SignupForm = forms.Form.extend({
  username: forms.CharField({maxLength: 20}),
  // ...

var Signup = React.createClass({
  _onSubmit() {
    var form = this.refs.signupForm.getForm()
    if (form.validate()) {
      // ...

  render() {
    return <form onSubmit={this._onSubmit}>
      <forms.RenderForm form={SignupForm} ref="signupForm">
      <button>Sign Up</button>

Grid Form

To render a form as a Bootstrap grid, you can use the provided grid components:

var {Col, Container, Row, Field} = BootstrapForm
<forms.RenderForm form={ProductForm} ref="productForm">
      <Field name="productName" md="8"/>
      <Field name="tags" md="4"/>
      <Field name="vendor" md="6"/>
      <Field name="productType" md="6"/>
      <Field name="productDescription" md="12"/>
      <Col md="2">
        I'm just a regular column.
      <Field name="sku" md="2"/>
      <Field name="initialStockLevel" md="2"/>
      <Field name="costPrice" md="2"/>
      <Field name="wholesalePrice" md="2"/>
      <Field name="retailPrice" md="2"/>

To automatically split the 12 available Bootstrap grid units among columns, pass an autoColumns prop to a Container or Row component. For example, the following rows would render identically:

  <Field name="vendor" md="6"/>
  <Field name="productType" md="6"/>

<Row autoColumns="md">
  <Field name="vendor"/>
  <Field name="productType"/>

This takes into account any column widths and offsets which have been provided for the specified size unit, so this grid layout would render identically to the first grid layout example above:

<forms.RenderForm form={ProductForm} ref="productForm">
  <Container autoColumns="md">
      <Field name="productName" md="8"/>
      <Field name="tags"/>
      <Field name="vendor"/>
      <Field name="productType"/>
      <Field name="productDescription"/>
        I'm just a regular column.
      <Field name="sku"/>
      <Field name="initialStockLevel"/>
      <Field name="costPrice"/>
      <Field name="wholesalePrice"/>
      <Field name="retailPrice"/>


BootstrapForm props

  • form - a Form instance.

  • spinner - the URL or data URI for an image to be displayed when async validation is pending for a field or the whole form.

    This defaults to a data URI for a 14x14 circular grey spinner with a transparent background:


Bootstrap-compatible choice field renderers

The following custom renderers are available for use. Note that the non-inline renderers will be automatically applied for you if you're using certain combinations of default fields and widgets.

  • BootstrapForm.CheckboxRenderer - renders choices as a list of checkboxes; supports choice categories.
  • BootstrapForm.CheckboxInlineRenderer - renders flat choices as inline checkboxes
  • BootstrapForm.RadioRenderer - renders choices as a list of radio buttons; supports choice categories
  • BootstrapForm.RadioInlineRenderer - renders flat choices as inline radio buttons

Use the inline renderers manually if you want to configure fields to render inline checkbox or radio inputs using Bootstrap 3's checkbox-inline and radio-inline classes, respectively:

var StuffForm = forms.Form.extend({
  stuff: forms.MultipleChoiceField({
    choices: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    widget: forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple({renderer: BootstrapForm.CheckboxInlineRenderer})

Grid Components


Renders a .container or .container-fluid.

Container props

  • form: Form - the Form instance to be rendered. Will be passed as a prop to all children.

  • autoColumns: String - a Bootstrap grid size unit (xs, sm, md or lg). If provided, will be passed to all children.

  • fluid: Boolean (default: false) - if true, the container will have the .container-fluid class, otherwise it will be a .container

  • className: String - an additional class for the container element.

  • spinner: String - as per BootstrapForm, see above.


Renders a .row.

These should be nested directly under Container components.

Row props

  • form: Form - the Form instance to be rendered. Will be passed as a prop to all children.

  • autoColumns: String - a Bootstrap grid size unit (xs, sm, md or lg).

    If provided, the Row will ensure that all its children have a column width set for the specified size. If any of them do not, the number of available column units left (out of the 12 unit available in Bootstrap's grid system) after considering any widths and offsets which have been provided for the unit provided will be distibuted equally among children which need a width set.

    If the remaining units cannot be split equally among the children, the initial children in the row will have the leftover units divided amongst them.

  • className: String - an additional class for the container element.


Renders a column containing a named form field.

These should be nested directly under Row components.

Field props

Field is a specialisation of Col, so it accepts all the sizing/offset props described below plus the following:

  • form: Form - the Form instance to be rendered.

  • name: String - the name of the field to be rendered.


Renders a column, with contents manually provided as its children.

Note that Field components generates their own column container, you do not need to and should not wrap a Field with a Col

Col props

Column sizing props can be passed as a String or Number.

At least one of the following sizing props must be give to define the column's width:

  • xs
  • sm
  • md
  • lg

Additionally, the column's offset can be specified with the following props:

  • xsOffset

  • smOffset

  • mdOffset

  • lgOffset

  • className: String - an additional class for the column element.

Field / Widget Patching

BootstrapForm and Container will automatically patch the widgets of certain fields for Bootstrap-compatible output.

These changes will be made the first time they renders a form - patching will only affect the form instance it was given.

ChoiceField with RadioSelect

If the widget is using the default renderer, it will be replaced with BootstrapForm.RadioRenderer.

MultipleChoiceField with CheckboxSelectMultiple

If the widget is using the default renderer, it will be replaced with BootstrapForm.CheckboxRenderer.


If the field has fewer than 5 sub-fields and its widget is using the default implementation of MultiWidget.prototype.formatOutput(), the widget will be given a Bootstrap-specific version of formatOutput() which wraps the rendered widgets as equally-distributed columns in a Bootstrap grid row.


  • BootstrapForm configuration
    • Make use of has-error/has-success highlighting configurable
    • Horizontal layout with configuratble breakpoints

MIT Licensed


Components for rendering a newforms Form using Bootstrap 3







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