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It is a simplified PDP11-based microprocessor that can execute the program loaded in its ram. The microprocessor has the following characteristics:

  • Word Length: 16 bits
  • Memory Size: 4K words
  • 32 Instruction
  • 8 Addressing modes
    • Register mode “R0”
    • Auto-increment “(R0)+”
    • Auto-decrement “-(R0)”
    • Indexed “X(R0)”
    • Register mode indirect “@R0”
    • Auto-increment indirect “@(R0)+”
    • Auto-decrement indirect “@-(R0)”
    • Indexed indirect “@X(R0)”
  • 8 General purpose register (R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7)
    • R7 used as PC
    • R6 used as SP
  • 4 Special purpose register (IR, MAR, MDR, FLAG)
    • IR: Instruction Register
    • MAR: Memory Address Register
    • MDR: Memory Data Register
    • FLAG: Status Flag Register contains (C, Z, N, P, O)
      • C: Carry Flag
      • Z: Zero Flag (1 if ALU result is 0)
      • N: Negative Flag (1 if ALU result sign is Neg)
      • P: Parity Flag (1 if ALU result is even)
      • O: Overflow Flag (1 if P+P=N or N+N=P or P-N=N or N-P=P)


Instruction Set

It supports the following instruction set:

  • 2 Operand Instructions

    • Syntax “Opcode Src, Dst”

      Instruction Operation Performed
      MOV Dst ← [Src]
      ADD Dst ← [Dst] + [Src]
      ADC (Add with Carry) Dst ← [Dst] + [Src] + C
      SUB Dst ← [Dst] – [Src]
      SBC (Sub with Carry) Dst ← [Dst] – [Src] – C
      AND Dst ← [Dst] AND [Src]
      OR Dst ← [Dst] OR [Src]
      XNOR Dst ← [Dst] XNOR [Src]
      CMP (Compare) [Dst] – [Src] (Neither of the operands are affected)
  • 1 Operand Instructions

    • Syntax “Opcode Dst”

      Instruction Operation Performed
      INC (Increment) Dst ← [Dst] + 1
      DEC (Decrement) Dst ← [Dst] – 1
      CLR (Clear) Dst ← 0
      INV (Inverter) Dst ← INV([Dst])
      LSR (Logic Shift Right) Dst ← 0 & [Dst] 15 - > 1
      ROR (Rotate Right) Dst ← [Dst] 0 & [Dst] 15 - > 1
      RRC (Rotate Right with Carry) Dst ← C & [Dst] 15 - > 1
      ASR (Arithmetic Shift Right) Dst ← [Dst] 15 & [Dst] 15 - > 1
      LSL (Logic Shift Left) Dst ← [Dst] 14 - > 0 & 0
      ROL (Rotate Left) Dst ← [Dst] 14 - > 0 & [Dst] 15
      RLC (Rotate Left with Carry) Dst ← [Dst] 14 - > 0 & C
  • Branch Instructions

    • Syntax “Opcode Offset”

    • Operation “PC ← PC + Offset” is performed if branch condition is true

      Instruction Branch Condition
      BR (Branch unconditionally) None
      BEQ (Branch if equal) Z = 1
      BNE (Branch if not equal) Z = 0
      BLO (Branch if Lower) C = 0
      BLS (Branch if Lower or same) C = 0 or Z = 1
      BHI (Branch if Higher) C = 1
      BHS (Branch if Higher or same) C = 1 or Z = 1
  • No Operand Instructions

    • Syntax “Opcode”

      Instruction Operation Performed
      HLT (Halt) Stop the processor
      NOP (No Operation) No operation is performed, Continue code
  • Jump Sub-Routine Instructions

    Instruction Syntax Operation Performed
    JSR (Jump to subroutine) JSR Address SP ← [SP] – 1
    [SP] ← [PC]
    [PC] ← [Address]
    RTS (Return from subroutine) RTS [PC] ← [SP]
    SP ← [SP] + 1
    INTERRUPT (Hardware Interrupt) ---------------- save flags in stack
    save PC in stack
    return when interrupt signal is down


The assembler can deal with the following:

  • Variables

    • All variable will be at the end of the file with the following line format “#Value”.
      So in the test files “#7” means that at this memory location there is a variable with value=7
    • The variables are signed integers
  • Immediate Addressing Mode

    • Immediate addressing mode has the following format “Opcode #0, R”
    • The assembler saves the instruction as “Opcode (R2)+, R”, and saves in the next line “0”.
  • Absolute Addressing Mode

    • Absolute addressing mode has the following format “Opcode 0, R”.
    • The assembler should saves the instruction as “Opcode X(R2), R”,
      and saves in the next line “0-LineNumber”, where “0” is the variable address.
  • JSR Addresses

    • JSR has the following format “JSR 0”
    • The assembler saves the instruction as “JSR Opcode”, and saves in the next line “0”, where “0” is the sub-routine address.
  • Offsets

    • Branch has the following format “Branch 0”
    • The assembler saves the instruction as “BR_Opcode Offset”, where Offset=0.
    • The offset is a signed integer


You can use ModelSim in simulation.
compile using vhdl 2008.
After compiling, simulate the processor file and import rows.mem file in the ram. importing a file in the ram

Running a program

Here are some test programs.
You can write a new program using the assembler syntax above, then run the assembler, and the assembler produces a binary file like this
you can then write these binary codes in rows.mem and import it in the ram in modelsim simulation


small microprocessor based on PDP11 using VHDL







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Contributors 4
