The purpose of this project is to create a REST api using FastAPI that has the ability to
translate text with auto language detection and then use a natural language processing tool
called vaderSentiment that analyze the text and returns polarity scores.
This project was deployed on Google Cloud Platform. It incorporates technology such as:
- docker-machine
- docker
- dockerhub & gcp
- python's FastAPI
- python module Deep Translator (text translation):
- python module vaderSentiment (text sentiment analysis):
# Make sure you're in the parlay-rest directory where the requirements.txt is.
run "pip install -r requirements.txt"
# After the installs are complete.
uvicorn main:app --host {insert ip address} --port {desired port number} --reload
uvicorn main:app --host --port 5057 --reload
# This command is for creating a new docker-machine if on OSX
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox {insert machine name}
Ex: docker-machine create --driver virtualbox test
# Starts desired machine
docker-machine start {insert machine name}
Ex: docker-machine start test
# push to docker hub for gcp
docker build -t {username}/parlay-rest:latest .
#Before you push it to dockerhub run it locally. Run Tests.
docker run --name {username}/parlay-rest:latest -p5057:5057 --rm {username}/parlay-rest:latest
# To make updates to this code and push them to gcp:
docker push {username}/parlay-rest:latest
- Purpose is to check if the application is alive.
- Purpose is to recieve text, which it then processes and returns with a polarity score.
- Purpose is to translate language text is wriiten in to output or desired language.
- Purpose is to use vader with non-english based languages and have it return with a polarity scores after translating the initial non-english based text to english.
In the test directory there is a python script called "" that has functions that and test cases to check if everything on the REST api is
working and returning properly.
usage example:
cd tests
python {Ip address} {Port Number}
python 5050
usage of custom_mesaage():
python {Ip address} {Port Number} "Insert desired message you want to send"
python 5050 "This movie is not very good."