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Tyler Richards edited this page Aug 21, 2022 · 1 revision

SRVPro Plugins

SRVPro also support plugins for extending its functions. Developing plugins for SRVPro is highly welcomed.

How to use a plugin

All installed plugins should be put in ./plugins directory. A plugin could be a single js file, or an entire Node package.

If the plugin to install is a...

  • Single JS file: Just simply place the js file into ./plugins.
  • Node package: Clone the entire repository into ./plugins directory. You may have to follow the instructions of the plugin's documents.

Sample plugins

Here are some sample plugins. All the plugins listed here were written in Node packages by Nanahira, and licensed under AGPL v3.

You may directly install those plugins into your server, or take those plugins as reference to make your own SRVPro plugins.

Making your own plugins

Making a plugin for SRVPro is very simple. You may make up an entire Node package, or write a single js file.

Entry point

If you are developing a plugin as a Node package, make sure the package.json is inside your repository, in which the value of main should be the entry point.

Global variables

You may access those global variables provided by SRVPro for your convenience.

  • _ The underscore library.

  • log The bunyan logger.

  • moment The moment library.

  • import_datas An array for storing all fields imported to the new client when the client reconnects. If you inserted custom fields for client you have to insert it here. eg.

  • setting_save(settings) Save a setting into JSON file. The JSON filename is decided by the file field of that setting.

  • setting_change(settings, path, val) Change a value of the path field to val in settings, and save it with setting_save.

When making changes for the 6 variables below, remember to save them with setting_save.

  • settings The object for storing settings, which would be loaded from ./config/config.json.

  • tips The object which would be loaded from ./config/tips.json.

  • dialogues The object which would be loaded from ./config/dialogues.json.

  • badwords The object which would be loaded from ./config/badwords.json.

  • duel_log The object which would be loaded from ./config/duel_log.json.

  • chat_color The object which would be loaded from ./config/chat_color.json.

  • lflists An array storing names of the banlists loaded from lflist.conf.

    • lflist[].date The date of the banlist in moment format.
    • lflist[].tcg A boolean deciding whether this banlist is a TCG banlist.
  • redisdb The Redis object for Cloud Replay.

  • windbots The object for WindBot, which would be loaded from bots.json.

  • real_windbot_server_ip A string showing the windbot server's real IP address.

  • long_resolve_cards An object loaded from ./data/long_resolve_cards.json, showing the cards whose effects requires a lot of animations to resolve, used in the Heartbeat detection module.

  • ygopro The ygopro object, handling the interact with YGOPro.

    • ygopro.i18ns The object for storing lines in different languages, loaded from ./data/i18n.json. If you add custom lines in plugins, you need to insert it here. eg.
    ygopro.i18ns["en-us"].pre_release_compat_hint = "It seems like you're a duelist with pre-release cards. The pre-release compat mode is turned on.";
    ygopro.i18ns["zh-cn"].pre_release_compat_hint = "看起来你是使用先行卡数据的用户,已开启先行卡兼容模式。";
    • ygopro.proto_structs Loaded from ./data/proto_structs.json.

    • ygopro.constants Loaded from ./data/constants.json.

    • ygopro.stoc_follows All STOC handling functions in SRVPro.

    • ygopro.stoc_follows_before All STOC handling functions provided by plugins, which would be executed before stoc_follows.

    • ygopro.stoc_follows_after All STOC handling functions provided by plugins, which would be executed after stoc_follows.

    • ygopro.ctos_follows ygopro.ctos_follows_before ygopro.ctos_follows_after Refer above, but it handles CTOS messages.

    • ygopro.stoc_follow(proto, synchronous, callback) Set the handling function of STOC_proto to callback. If synchronous is set to true and the function returns true, the message would not be sent or handled. Not recommended in plugins, otherwise it would overwrite the system STOC handling functions, making SRVPro not working properly.

    • ygopro.stoc_follow_before(proto, synchronous, callback) Add a handling function callback for STOC_proto, which would run before the system STOC handling function. If synchronous is set to true and the function returns true, the message would not be sent or handled.

    • ygopro.stoc_follow_after(proto, synchronous, callback) Add a handling function callback for STOC_proto, which would run after the system STOC handling function. If synchronous is set to true and the function returns true, the message would not be sent or handled.

    • ygopro.ctos_follows(proto, synchronous, callback) ygopro.ctos_follow_before(proto, synchronous, callback) ygopro.ctos_follow_after(proto, synchronous, callback) Refer above, but it handles CTOS messages.

    • ygopro.stoc_send(socket, proto, info) Send a STOC message in proto to socket. The info could be a struct object (Refer to structs.json for the formats), or buffer for sending a custom message.

    • ygopro.ctos_send(socket, proto, info) Send a CTOS message in proto to socket. The info could be a struct object (Refer to structs.json for the formats), or buffer for sending a custom message.

    • ygopro.stoc_send_chat(client, msg, player = 8) Send a chat message msg to client. The upvalue player decides the message color. eg.

    ygopro.stoc_send_chat(client, "${pre_release_compat_hint}", ygopro.constants.COLORS.BABYBLUE);

    The part in format ${...} would be replaced with the strings in ygopro.i18n, for supporting different languages.

    • ygopro.stoc_send_chat_to_room Refer to ygopro.stoc_send_chat, but it sends the message to the whole room.

    • ygopro.stoc_die(client, msg) Only can be called in the handling functions of STOC_JOIN_GAME. Sends an error message msg to player and disconnects the player.

  • roomlist The module for WebSocket room list.

  • pg_client An instance of PG Client.

  • challonge The Challonge module.

    • challonge.participants._index challonge.matches._index A cached version of challonge.*.index, avoiding sending too many requests to the Challonge platform.
  • refresh_challonge_cache Clear the cache of challonge.participants._index and challonge.matches._index. Must be called when updating the scores on Challonge.

  • memory_usage THe percentage of the server memory used.

  • Cloud_replay_ids All available cloud replay IDs.

  • ROOM_all An array storing all rooms. May be useful for roomlist-related plugins. Be aware that there would be null elements.


Instead of ygopro.ctos_follow and ygopro.stoc_follow, plugins should use functions like ygopro.ctos_follow_before and ygopro.ctos_follow_after instead. The functions end with _before would be handled before ygopro.ctos_follow, and the functions end with _after would be handled after it.

Here is an example from the plugin srvpro-deck-restrict.

ygopro.ctos_follow_after("UPDATE_DECK", true, (buffer, info, client, server, datas) => {
	var room = ROOM_all[client.rid];
	if (!room || room.duel_stage === ygopro.constants.DUEL_STAGE.BEGIN) { 
		return false;
	for (var code of list) { 
		if (client.side.indexOf(code) !== -1) { 
			ygopro.stoc_send_chat_to_room(room, "${invalid_side_rule}", ygopro.constants.COLORS.RED);
			ygopro.stoc_send(client, 'ERROR_MSG', {
				msg: 3,
				code: 0
			return true;

This handling function would run after SRVPro resolves CTOS_UPDATE_DECK

Those functions also accepts a boolean return value. If it returns true, this message would not be handled anymore and would be blocked. Take the example above, if it returns true, the deck would not be sent to YGOPro, and it sends an error message to the player telling them that they put invalid cards in the side deck.

Making changes on buffers

You may also directly change the contents inside the messages. Operating directly on buffers is not an easy way. So we need structs to do so. Making changes on buffers could be performed in those steps.

  1. Get the needed struct definition from ygopro.structs. The struct definitions available are inside structs.json, while the struct definition needed for each protos are in proto_structs.json.
var struct = ygopro.structs["any_structs"];
  1. Set the passed buffer for the struct.
  1. Make changes on the structs with struct.set. You may perform this step multiple times to replace all fields you want.
struct.set("key", value);
  1. Re-define the buffer upvalue with the replaced buffer, to make the code below operates on the new buffer instead of the old buffer.
buffer = struct.buffer;

Here is an example from the plugin srvpro-pre-compat, which replaces all the pre-release card codes into official card codes by operating on buffers.

ygopro.ctos_follow_after("UPDATE_DECK", false, (buffer, info, client, server, datas) => {
	var room = ROOM_all[client.rid];
	if (!room) {
	var found = false;
	var buff_main_new = [];
	var buff_side_new = [];
	for (var code of client.main) {
		var code_ = code;
		if (room.list_pre_to_official[code]) {
			code_ = room.list_pre_to_official[code];
			found = true;
	for (var code of client.side) {
		var code_ = code;
		if (room.list_pre_to_official[code]) {
			code_ = room.list_pre_to_official[code];
			found = true;
	if (found) { 
		var compat_deckbuf = buff_main_new.concat(buff_side_new);
		var struct = ygopro.structs["deck"];
		struct.set("mainc", buff_main_new.length);
		struct.set("sidec", buff_side_new.length);
		struct.set("deckbuf", compat_deckbuf);
		buffer = struct.buffer;
	if (room.duel_stage == ygopro.constants.DUEL_STAGE.BEGIN) { 
		client.is_using_pre_release = found || client.vpass == "COMPAT";
		if (client.is_using_pre_release) { 
			ygopro.stoc_send_chat(client, "${pre_release_compat_hint}", ygopro.constants.COLORS.BABYBLUE);