Graduation Project: My Dairy
A social network system for student to improve language ability. User uses his/her mother tongue to write language diary and then get feedback from the users who is proficient in this language or whose mother tongue is this language.
- Friend system
You can check other user's profile and send a friend request
After he/she accepted your request, you will become friends and see friends dairy list on home page.
- Messaging system
This is a unread/read feature in this project, similar to LINE.
- Ranking system
Users could check their own rank on all languages or on a certain language based on scores.
Scores are based on user's correction numbers, comment numbers and his/her own diary numbers.
- Recommendation system
SVD (Singuler Value Decomposition) to recommend diaries of user similarity for uesrs.
- Cloud tag
Ranking of the languages with different font size basing one their using frequency
- OS: Windows 8
- Platform: phpstorm
- Web development artitecture: CakePHP
- Web server: Apache
- Data Base: MySQL
- Integrated Development Environment XAMPP
- Front-end design: HTML+CSS+JS+Bootstrp
- Back-end programming language: PHP