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Webpack Starter scss-js-ts-tsx-jsx-bootstrap

webpack is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.

Webpack Starter scss-js-ts-tsx-jsx-bootstrap

A simple webpack 4 starter project for your basic web development needs.

Table of Contents


I needed to make a plain ol' "drop your mail to stay updated of ongoing developments" page.

I did not need anything fancy, no frontend framework, no unit testing, simply a starter project that would let me use sass, ES6, Typescript, load assets, add vendor prefixes, start a dev server, generate sourcemaps and optimize everything for production.

I looked around and all I found were heavily specialized and complicated webpack starter projects (webpack-angular-starter, webpack-react-starter, etc) that are so intertwined with plugins that stripping undesired functionality is almost impossible.

So I did this.


  • Separated development and production webpack settings you can understand
  • Sass
  • ES6
  • Typescript
  • Asset loading
  • CSS Vendor prefixing
  • Development server
  • Sourcemaps
  • Production optimizations



Substitute PROJECT-NAME for your project name.

Clone the repository

 git clone PROJECT-NAME

Install npm dependencies

 npm install

After installed npm packages

To start the development server

npm run watch

To build for production

npm run build

To build for developement

npm run start


When should I use this starter?

You should use this starter if any of the following are true:

  • You want to make a static page. e.g. splash screen, onboarding screen, phaser game, threejs visualization, countdown.
  • You found no good starter kit for whatever you want to do and need a solid place to start from.

Please note: If you are going to use a frontend framework like angular or react, you can of course add the required plugins and configuration but it's normally complicated and quirky enough that it's highly recommended to use one of the existing starter projects such as create-react-app or for angular projects the angular-cli.

Where's the common webpack config?

There is none and that is good thing.

The pattern creates unnecessary confusion over the setup, at the end the config will always be different across environments. People just put booleans everywhere on the common config to switch between these differing configuration options which is just awful to see and confusing for someone who's just starting on webpack.

The only truly shared config between these files are the entry js point and the main html template.

How to load images

Just put your image within below folder.


In JavaScript

You can require an image from JavaScript like

const myImage = require("./assets/icon.png");

If the image size in bytes is smaller than 8192you, myImage will be a string with the encoded image path such as


If the image size is larger than 8192 it will be a string with the url to the image such as


This limit is set so images like icons are not loaded through a request but you can force the loader to give you image urls always by doing the following but should not be necessary. The limit works 90% of the time.

const myImage = require("!!url!/assets/icon.png");

In index.html

If you would like to include an image on your index.html file, place the path of the image in a webpack require statement<%= require(imagePath) %>.

  <img class="splash-title__img"
                     alt="webpack logo"></a>

Start the development server and voilà.

npm run watch

To build for production

npm run build

To preview the development build

npm run start

Would like to add new feature to the list? Open an issue!

Author Md Nasir Uddin