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Release workflow

Jae Sung Park edited this page Sep 10, 2024 · 22 revisions

Describe branches' role & workflows for releases by types.


  • latest: latest tag
  • next: next tag
  • master: primary branch

    In order to have control over the timing of releases,
    "release" will be triggered from the latest or next branches only.


All devs will be done on master.

nightly will merge changes from master and build nightly dist at the day when found changes on master.

  • RC release: masternext

    master will be merged into next branch.
    Every updates before the latest, should flows from master to next.

    Will publish @next by semantic-release

  • Patch release: masterlatest

    master will be merged into latest branch.

  • latest(stable) release: masterlatest

    • If all issue resolved or no issue found from the next release, will proceed the latest release.

      The period between 'next' to 'latest', not precisely defined, but roughly in a period of 1w ~ 3weeks.

    • master will be merged into latest branch.

      Will publish @latest by semantic-release

Release Schedule

Regular release

The tentative release schedule is on every 3 months.

Note: The estimated date & version are subject to change.

Estimated Date Planned Version Main Goal
Dec/2024 3.14
Aug/2024 3.13 area-step-range type
May/2024 3.12 Funnel type, babel -> esbuild
Feb/2024 3.11
Sep/2023 3.10
Jun/2023 3.9 Arc needle support
Mar/2023 3.8 Inverted x Axis
Dec/2022 3.7 Treemap type support
Sep/2022 3.6 React wrapper
Jun/2022 3.5 perf enhancements
Mar/2022 3.4 polar type support
Dec/2021 3.3
Sep/2021 3.2
Jun/2021 3.1
Mar/2021 3.0 D3.js v6 Support
Jan/2021 2.2

Checkout changelog for the detailed previous updates history.


Whenever and according the importance, the patch will be released when is necessary.