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Bundle with a few useful Symfony environment variable processors.


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Symfony Environment Variable Processors

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The bundle provides a few useful custom Symfony Environment Variable processors:

  • Array Cast processor for array values type casting.
  • CSV processor with customizable delimiter.

Installation / Configuration

composer require nbgrp/env-bundle

Enable the bundle in config/bundles.php:

return [
    // ...
    NbGroup\Symfony\NbgroupEnvBundle::class => ['all' => true],

All Environment Variable processors disabled by default. You should enable the required processors explicitly through the bundle config.

YAML config example:

# config/packages/nbgroup_env.yaml
    array_cast: true  #  enable Array Cast processor
    csv:              #  enable CSV processor
        dot: '.'      #  csv-dot will parse env value into array with "." as a separator
        colon: ':'    #  csv-colon will parse env value into array with ":" as a separator

PHP config example (for Symfony 5+):

// config/packages/nbgroup_env.php
return static function (Symfony\Config\NbgroupEnvConfig $config): void {

        ->delimiter('dot', '.')
        ->delimiter('colon', ':')



Performs type casting of the env value to the one of the supported types:

  • bool
  • int
  • float
  • string

nb: If the csv value is not an array it will be casted to an array.


# config/services.yaml
    env(CSV_BOOL_ENV): '1,0,no,"true"'
    env(CSV_INT_ENV): '1,"2","3"'
    env(JSON_FLOAT_ENV): '{"key1": 1.1,"key2": "2.2"}'
    env(JSON_STRING_ENV): '["foo", "foo \"bar\"", ""]'
    bools:   '%env(bool-array:csv:CSV_BOOL_ENV)%'        #  will contains [true, false, false, true]
    ints:    '%env(int-array:csv:CSV_INT_ENV)%'          #  will contains [1, 2, 3]
    floats:  '%env(float-array:json:JSON_FLOAT_ENV)%'    #  will contains ['key1' => 1.1, 'key2' => 2.2]
    strings: '%env(string-array:json:JSON_STRING_ENV)%'  #  will contains ['foo', 'foo "bar"', '']


Parses the env value into array. Unlike build-in csv processor, this one supports customization of the delimiter.

To use the CSV processor it should be configured: see config example how to specify available delimiters (and so env prefixes).

nb: Do not use backslash \ for escaping double quote " enclosure character (on PHP ^7.4 it will not work). For escape " just write it twice.


# config/packages/nbgroup_env.yaml
        semi: ';'

# config/services.yaml
    env(CSV_SEMICOLON_ENV): 'Alice;[email protected]'
    person: '%env(csv-semi:CSV_SEMICOLON_ENV)%'  #  will contains ['Alice', '[email protected]']