Designing tangible interfaces for the low vision community.
All code used in prototyping can be found in the touch_map directory.
The WaveHC library, courtesy of Adafruit. Needed to interface with the Arduino Wave Shield
An Arduino with at least an ATmega328 chip
Minor soldering skills
- An Arduino Uno
- A multiplexer, in this case Sparkfun's 8channel breakout board (ID #74HC4051)
- Force Sensitive Resistors (FSR), in this case Adafruit's 3/4in FSRs (ID #166)
- An Arduino-friendly audio shield, in this case Adafruit's Wave Shield (ID #94)
- A lot of wiring and 10Kohm resistors
Can be found here.
Portions of code have been copied and adapted from Adafruit's tutorials on the Wave Shield, found here. All credit for this belongs to Adafruit.