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ÜberDig - dig on steroids

Simple GoLang tool for domain recon.

The purpose of this tool is to provide fast overview of a target domain setup. Several active scanning techniques are employed for this purpose like DNS ping-pong, TLS certificate scraping, WHOIS banner parsing and more. Some tools on the other hand are not - intentionally (e.g. nmap, brute-force, search engines etc.). This is not a full-blown DNS enumerator, but rather something more unobtrusive and fast which can be deployed in long-term experiments with lots of targets.

Feature set:

  • Resolves a given domain to all DNS records of interest
  • Resolves a given domain to a set of WHOIS contacts (selected properties only)
  • Resolves a given domain to a TLS certificate chain
  • Supports automatic NS discovery with custom override
  • Dissects domains from resolutions and resolves them recursively
  • Unobtrusive human-readable CLI output as well as machine readable JSON
  • Supports multiple domains on the input
  • Colorized output
  • Parses domains in HTTP headers
  • Parses domains in Certificate Transparency logs
  • Parses IPs found in SPF record
  • Looks up BGP AS for each discovered IP
  • Looks up GeoIP record for each discovered IP
  • Attempts to detect DNS wildcards
  • Supports graph output

Download as dependency

go get

Basic usage

dig := udig.NewUdig()
resolutions := dig.Resolve("")
for _, res := range resolutions {


                                                         |            |
                                                  +------+    Udig    +-----------------------------------+
Delegates:                                        |      |            |                                   |
                                                  |      +------------+                                   |
                                                  |*                                                      |*
                                      +------------------+                                           +------------+
                                      |  DomainResolver  |                                           | IPResolver |
             +----------------------> +------------------+ <------------------+                      +------------+
             |                        ^      ^           ^                    |                         ^    ^
Implements:  |                  +-----+      |           |                    |                         |    +-------+
             |                  |            |           |                    |                         |            |
     +-------------+ +-------------+ +--------------+ +---------------+ +------------+        +-------------+ +---------------+
     | DNSResolver | | TLSResolver | | HTTPResolver | | WhoisResolver | | CTResolver |        | BGPResolver | | GeoipResolver |
     +-------------+ +-------------+ +--------------+ +---------------+ +------------+        +-------------+ +---------------+
             |              |                |               |             |                            |                |
             |              |                |               |             |                            |                |
Produces:    |              |                |               |             |                            |                |
             |              |                |               |             |                            |                |
             |*             |*               |*              |*            |*                           |*               |*
      +-----------+ +----------------+ +------------+ +--------------+ +-------+                  +----------+   +-------------+
      | DNSRecord | | TLSCertificate | | HTTPHeader | | WhoisContact | | CTLog |                  | ASRecord |   | GeoipRecord |
      +-----------+ +----------------+ +------------+ +--------------+ +-------+                  +----------+   +-------------+

CLI app

Download app

go get

Build from the sources

make or make install

This will also download the latest GeoIP database (IPLocation-lite).


udig [-h|--help] [-v|--version] [-V|--verbose] [-s|--strict]
            [-d|--domain "<value>"] [--ct:expired] [--ct:from "<value>"]

            ÜberDig - dig on steroids v1.5 by stuchl4n3k


  -h  --help        Print help information
  -v  --version     Print version and exit
  -V  --verbose     Be more verbose
  -s  --strict      Strict domain relation (TLD match)
  -d  --domain      Domain to resolve
      --ct:expired  Collect expired CT logs
      --ct:from     Date to collect logs from. Default: 1 year ago (2022-11-10)
      --json        Output payloads as JSON objects


udig demo

Dependencies and attributions


FOSSA Status