This repository has all PHPStorm live templates from Roland Golla. You know this from the Sulu tutorial series from YouTube.
Content management PHP tutorial Symfony Sulu CMS, GitLab pipelines with PHP docker DDEV deployments
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Restart PhpStorm.
To see all templates, go to Preferences | Live Templates and expand the Template Group.
Trigger code completion with ctrl+j
config-format-img // add new image format to image-formats.xml
config-block-xml-file // complete new block config to include
config-include // include blocks/filename.xml in blocks loader
config-link-text-to-page // CTA button with text
twig-defined-and-not-empty // render var when set
twig-content-organisation // set orgaisation
twig/not/empty/for/loop // for loop when not empty
Give this likes and feedback. When you want to add something give a pull request. In the future we will publish a NCA live template plugin? Feel free to create a Pull Request!