As of August 2023, The New Relic C Telemetry SDK is archived.
What is the New Relic C Telemetry SDK?
- It's a helper library that supports sending New Relic data from within your C/C++ application.
- It’s an example of "best practices" for sending us data.
The Telemetry SDK provides you, the end-user programmer, with a Client
that sends Spans
to New Relic. Individual spans are collected together into batches (via a SpanBatch
object), and clients send these batches. It serves as a foundation for getting open-standards based telemetry data like OpenCensus, OpenTracing, and OpenTelemetry into New Relic. You can use this to build tracers/exporters, such as ones based on these open standards.
This SDK currently supports sending spans to the Trace API.
The C Telemetry SDK is a wrapper around the Rust Telemetry SDK. Minimal build requirements are:
- CMake 3.0
- Rust 1.44
For running tests under Linux, valgrind is required.
The C Telemetry SDK aims to support any platform that is supported by Rust. It was tested on 64 bit Linux (GNU GCC 7.5), and on 64 bit Windows 2019 (Visual Studio 2019).
The Rust Telemetry SDK is included into this project as a git submodule. Before building the C Telemetry SDK, make sure git submodules are initialized by running this command:
git submodule update --init
For building the C Telemetry SDK on Linux, run the following commands:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
To build and run tests:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DENABLE_TESTS=on ..
make test
For building the C Telemetry SDK on Windows, run the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
In order to send telemetry data to New Relic APIs, you will need an Insert API key. to find out how to generate this key, see our docs.
Refer to the API documentation and to the examples.
This is a simple application that sends a single span:
#include "newrelic-telemetry-sdk.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
int main() {
/* Obtain an API key from the environment. */
const char* api_key = getenv("NEW_RELIC_API_KEY");
if (!api_key) {
fprintf(stderr, "NEW_RELIC_API_KEY not set\n");
/* Initialize a configuration. */
nrt_client_config_t* cfg = nrt_client_config_new(api_key);
/* Initialize a new client with the given API key. */
nrt_client_t* client = nrt_client_new(&cfg);
/* Create an empty span batch */
nrt_span_batch_t* batch = nrt_span_batch_new();
/* Create a span and add it to the batch */
nrt_time_t time_ms = (time.wSecond * 1000) + time.wMilliseconds;
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
nrt_time_t time_ms = (tv.tv_sec) * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec) / 1000;
nrt_span_t* span
= nrt_span_new("e9f54a2c322d7578", "1b1bf29379951c1d", time_ms);
nrt_span_set_name(span, "/index.html");
nrt_span_set_duration(span, 2000);
nrt_span_set_service_name(span, "Telemetry Application");
nrt_attributes_t* attrs = nrt_attributes_new();
nrt_attributes_set_int(attrs, "retries", 3);
nrt_attributes_set_string(attrs, "username", "user");
nrt_span_set_attributes(span, &attrs);
nrt_span_batch_record(batch, &span);
/* Queue the span batch */
nrt_client_send(client, &batch);
/* Wait for the batch to be sent and shut down the client. */
Tips on how to find and query your data in New Relic:
For general querying information, see:
New Relic hosts and moderates an online forum where customers can interact with New Relic employees as well as other customers to get help and share best practices. Like all official New Relic open source projects, there's a related Community topic in the New Relic Explorers Hub. You can find this project's topic/threads in the Telemetry SDK section of Explorers Hub
The C Telemetry SDK is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
The C Telemetry SDK also uses source code from third-party libraries. You can find full details on which libraries are used and the terms under which they are licensed in the third-party notices document.
The New Relic Telemetry APIs are rate limited. Please reference the documentation for New Relic Metric API and New Relic Trace API requirements and limits on the specifics of the rate limits.