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Security: nexy7574/nio-bot

Security Policy

Supported Versions

All versions under the current and previous major release are supported for security updates. If a version is tagged with ESR, it will be supported for at least 2 more major releases.

Reporting a Vulnerability

You should first attempt to contact a maintainer ( directly on matrix, reporting as much detail on the vulnerability and how it affects users of the library. Should you not get a reply within a couple of days, you should open a pull request (without an issue) with a fix or at least a workaround, ensuring the vulnerability is 100% no-longer present in your fork before opening the pull request. This allows users to use your fork until the patch is merged.

How vulnerabilities are handled

Vulnerability reports are handled with the utmost urgency, and patches are usually released within a couple hours after discovery (where applicable). However, patches are not applied linearly. Only the major releases affected by the vulnerability will get a patch bump, not individual minor releases.

This means that if a vulnerability was found in v5.6.0, and it affected v5.2.7 too, only v5.6.1 would be released. If it affected previous major releases, only their most recent minor release would get a patch, so in this example, v4.7.13 would be patched to v4.7.14, but v4.6.3 would remain v4.6.3. This is because breaking changes are only supposed to be released in major changes - 9 times out of 10, upgrading the minor version shouldn't cause any breaks in existing code, so making patches for each individual version just a waste of effort.


Patched releases will then be uploaded to their own GitHub releases, which then propagates to PyPi. Security releases will be tagged with [URGENT] v<version>, for example, [URGENT] v4.7.13. This means that anyone who happens to visit the github page will see that there's a new urgent release, and will upgrade.


Disclosure of the vulnerability will only be done after it has been patched and said patch has been released. Users who reported and/or helped to fix the vulnerability will be mentioned in the github releases, and an @room announcement will go out in the support room.

There aren’t any published security advisories