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Refund Plugin

This plugin provides basic refunds functionality for Sylius application.

Screenshot showing order's refund section

Screenshot showing order's credit memos and refund payments

Business value

In contrast to basic Refund functionality delivered by core Sylius bundles, Refund Plugin offers much wider range of possibilities and business scenarios.

Once an Order is paid, an Administrator is able to access Refunds section of a given Order and perform a Refund of chosen items or shipments. What's more, if a more detailed scenario occurs, an Administrator is able to refund an item partially.

From Administrator's point of view, every Refund request results in creating two entities:

  • Credit Memo - a document representing a list of refunded items (downloadable and sent to Customer via .pdf file)
  • Refund Payment - entity representing payment in favour of the Customer


  1. Require plugin with composer:

    composer require sylius/refund-plugin
  2. Add plugin class and other required bundles to your AppKernel:

    $bundles = [
       new Prooph\Bundle\ServiceBus\ProophServiceBusBundle(),
       new \Knp\Bundle\SnappyBundle\KnpSnappyBundle(),
       new \Sylius\RefundPlugin\SyliusRefundPlugin(),
  3. Import configuration:

        - { resource: "@SyliusRefundPlugin/Resources/config/app/config.yml" }
  4. Import routing:

        resource: "@SyliusRefundPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yml"
  5. Configure KnpSnappyBundle (if you don't have it configured yet):

            enabled: true
            binary: #path to your wkhtmltopdf binary file
            options: []
  6. Clear cache:

    bin/console cache:clear
  7. Copy migrations from vendor/sylius/refund-plugin/migrations/ to your migrations directory and run bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

  8. Copy templates from vendor/sylius/refund-plugin/src/Resources/views/SyliusAdminBundle/ to app/Resources/SyliusAdminBundle/views/

Extension points

Refund Plugin is strongly based on both commands and events. Let's take RefundUnitsAction as an example. The whole process consists of following steps:

  • Getting data from request
  • Create a Command and fill it with data
  • Dispatch Command
  • Handle Command
  • Fire Event
  • Catch Event in Listener class

Using command pattern and events make each step independent which means that providing custom implementation of given part of refunding process doesn't affect any other step.

Apart from Events and Commands Refund Plugin is also based on mechanisms derived from core Sylius bundles such as:

Configuration of all elements mentioned above can be found and customized in config.yml file.


Basic refunds functionality for Sylius







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