Rustbool is a collection of exercices provided by the book "The Rust Programming Language" by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols. The exercices are made using Rust 1.42.0 or later with edition="2018" in Cargo.toml of all projects to use Rust 2018 Edition idioms.
- 12 - Hello_world . Prints "hello_cargo" in the console
- 13 - Hello_cargo . prints "hello_cargo" in the console
- 20 - Guessing_game . Guess the number between 1-100
- 31 - Variables
- 32 - Data types
- 33 - Functions
- 34 - Comments
- 35 - Control flows
- 35.1 - Control flow- loops
- 35.2 - Convert temperatures between Fahrenheit and Celsius
- 35.3 - Generate the nth Fibonacci number.
- 35.4 - Print the lyrics to the Christmas carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” taking advantage of the repetition in the song
- 41 - Ownership
- 42 - References and Borrowing
- 43 - Slice Type
- 51 - Structs
- 52 - Rectangle_area
- 53 - Method_syntax
- 60 - Enum_values
- 62 - Match_control
- 63 - if_let_control
- 71 - packages_crates
- 72 - modules_definition
- 73 - path_to_item
- 74 - use_keyboard
- 75 - modules_files
- 80 - common_collections
- 81 - collection_vector
- 82 - collection_string
- 82.1 -mean_median_mode
- 82.2 -strings_pig_latin
- 82.3 -add_employee_names
- 90 - Error Handling
- 91 - unrecoverable_errors
- 92 - recoverable_errors
- 93 - panic_or_not
- 100 - generic_types_traits_lifetimes
- 101 - generic_data_types
- 101.1 - generic in struct
- 101.2 - generic_in_enum
- 101.3 - generic_in_method
- 102 - traits
- 103 - lifetimes
- 110 - automate_tests
- 111 - write_tests
- 112 - controlling_test
- 113 - test organization