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Hugo Gallery Theme

A very simple and opinionated photo gallery theme for Hugo.



  • Responsive design
  • Dark color scheme (can be set per page)
  • Private albums
  • Justified album views with Flickr's Justified Layout
  • Lightbox with PhotoSwipe
  • SEO with Open Graph tags
  • Automatic (or manual) selection of feature/cover images


This theme requires Hugo Extended >= 0.121.2. Dependencies are bundled, so no Node.js/NPM and PostCSS is needed.

As a Hugo Module

Requires the Go binary installed.

hugo mod init<your_user>/<your_project>

Then add the theme to your hugo.toml:

    path = ""

As Git Submodule

git submodule add --depth=1 themes/gallery


Page bundles which contain at least one image are listed as album or gallery:

├──             <-- not listed in album list
├── animals/
│   ├──
│   ├── cats/
│   |   ├──
│   |   ├── cat1.jpg
│   |   └── feature.jpg  <-- album thumbnail
│   ├── dogs/
│   |   ├──
│   |   ├── dog1.jpg     <-- album thumbnail
│   |   └── dog2.jpg
│   └── feature.jpg
├── bridge.jpg           <-- site thumbnail (OpenGraph, etc.)
└── nature/
    ├──         <-- contains `featured_image: images/tree.jpg`
    ├── images/
    |   └── tree.jpg     <-- album thumbnail
    ├── nature1.jpg
    └── nature2.jpg
  • / is not a Page Bundle and does not have image resources. It is not displayed in the album list.
  • /nature is a Leaf Bundle (has and no children) => displayed as gallery (single layout).
  • /animals is a Branch Bundle (has and has children) => displayed as album list (list layout).
  • The image resource with *feature* in its name or the first image found is used as thumbnail image for album lists.
  • Albums without an image are not shown.

Front matter

  • title -- title of the album, shown in the album list and on the album page.
  • date -- album date, used for sorting (newest first).
  • description -- description shown on the album page.
  • featured_image -- name of the image file used for the album thumbnail. If not set, the first image which contains feature in its filename is used, otherwise the first image in the album.
  • weight -- can be used to adjust sort order.
  • private -- if set to true, this album is not shown in the album overview and is excluded from RSS feeds.
  • featured -- if set to true, this album is featured on the homepage (even if private).
  • sort_by -- property used for sorting images in an album. Default is Name (filename), but can also be Date.
  • sort_order -- sort order. Default is asc.
  • params.theme -- color theme for this page. Defaults to defaultTheme from configuration.

Album Cover / Featured Image

By default, the cover image of an album is the first image in its folder. To select a specific image (which must be part of the album), use the featured_image frontmatter:

featured_image: img_1234.jpg
title: Cats

Image Metadata

Image titles for the lightbox view are either taken from the ImageDescription EXIF tag, or the title in the resource metadata.

EXIF tags can be written using software like Adobe Lightroom or by using command line tools like exiftool:

exiftool -ImageDescription="A closeup of a gray cat's face" cat-4.jpg

Alternatively, the image title can be set in the front matter:

date: 2024-02-18T14:12:44+0100
title: Cats
  - src: cat-1.jpg
    title: Brown tabby cat on white stairs
      date: 2024-02-18T13:04:30+0100
  - src: cat-4.jpg
    title: A closeup of a gray cat's face


If you use categories in your albums, the homepage displays a list of categories. Make sure term is not included in disabledKinds in the site config.


date: 2023-01-12
featured_image: dogs-title-image.jpg
title: Dogs
categories: ["animals", "nature"]

Categories can also have custom titles and descriptions (by default, the "animals" category will have "Animals" as title and no description). Just create a content/categories/<category>/


title: Cute Animals
description: This is the description text of the "animals" category.

List of Categories

To enable a list of categories, each category must at least have an image in the content/categores/<category>/ folder. Also, taxonomy must not be included in the disableKinds in the site config.

Then, /categories displays a list of categories, with their featured image.

Other Taxonomies

You can also use other taxonomies like series. Note that only categories and tags are enabled by Hugo's default settings. Using series as additional taxonomy is left as an exercise for the reader.

Featured Content on the Homepage

Albums (and als taxonomy pages like categories) can be marked as "featured":

title: Featured Album
featured: true

When used in combination with private: true this album is only shown as featured album on the homepage, and not in any album list.

Note that also categories or any other taxonomy term can be marked as featured, so you can feature a whole category, series, etc.

By default, the homepage displays

  • the site title,
  • links to all categories (if categories are enabled and used)
  • the most recent featured content (even if private)
  • all non-private top-level albums

This can easily be adjusted by using a local version of layouts/_default/home.html.

Related Content

If related content is available for your site (e.g. when keywords or tags are used), related albums are shown below each gallery. Read more about this in the Hugo Docs.

Here is an example section in config/_default/hugo.toml to enable related content:

  includeNewer = true
  threshold = 10
  toLower = false
    applyFilter = false
    cardinalityThreshold = 0
    name = 'categories'
    pattern = ''
    toLower = false
    type = 'basic'
    weight = 10
    applyFilter = false
    cardinalityThreshold = 0
    name = 'keywords'
    pattern = ''
    toLower = false
    type = 'basic'
    weight = 50

Social Icons

Use the socialIcons configuration key to add social icons on the bottom of each page:

    facebook = ""
    instagram = ""
    github = ""
    youtube = ""
    email = "mailto:[email protected]"
    linkedin = ""

Custom CSS

CSS is generated with Hugo Pipes, so you can add additional CSS in assets/css/custom.css (see example in exampleSite).
