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TableInfo: file.tsv

Amanda Charbonneau edited this page Apr 1, 2022 · 31 revisions

The file.tsv table will contain one row for each file in your program.

Field Field Description Required? Field Value Type Extra Info
id_namespace A CFDE-cleared identifier representing the top-level data space containing this file [part 1 of 2-component composite primary key] Required string id_namespace is a unique URI prefix pre-registered with CFDE and attached to your program (or a subset of your program) that identifies anything labeled with it as belonging to you. Please see the technical documentation for a full discussion of how this information is built and used.
local_id An identifier representing this file, unique within this id_namespace [part 2 of 2-component composite primary key] Required string The string formed by concatenating the id_namespace and local_id field values must be unique for each row in this table. Please see the technical documentation for a full discussion of how this information is to be used.
project_id_namespace The id_namespace of the primary project within which this file was created [part 1 of 2-component composite foreign key] Required string This will be the value of id_namespace in the row in project.tsv corresponding to the primary project that generated this file. If your program has not registered multiple CFDE identifier namespaces, this will be exactly the same value for all rows.
project_local_id The local_id of the primary project within which this file was created [part 2 of 2-component composite foreign key] Required string This will be the value of local_id in the row in project.tsv corresponding to the primary project that generated this file.
persistent_id A persistent, resolvable (not necessarily retrievable) URI or compact ID permanently attached to this file Optional string Meant to serve as a permanent address to which landing pages (which summarize metadata associated with this file) and other relevant annotations and functions can optionally be attached, including information enabling resolution to a network location through which the file can be accessed. Actual network locations must not be embedded directly within this identifier: one level of indirection is required in order to protect persistent_id values from changes in network location over time as files are moved around. Please see the technical documentation for a full discussion of how this information is to be used.
creation_time An ISO 8601 -; RFC 3339 (subset)-compliant timestamp documenting this file's creation time Optional (string) YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±NN:NN Examples:
2021-01-08T00:00:00-00:00 ("Jan 8, 2021")
2021-00-00T00:00:00-00:00 ("2021")
2021-01-08T00:45:40-04:00 ("Jan 8, 2021, 12:45:40AM, Zulu minus 4")
Please see the technical documentation for a complete treatment.
size_in_bytes The size of this file in bytes Optional integer
uncompressed_size_in_bytes The total decompressed size in bytes of the contents of this file Optional integer
sha256 (preferred) SHA-256 checksum for this file At least one of sha256 or md5 must be populated SHA-256 hash string
md5 (deprecated but allowed) MD5 checksum for this file At least one of sha256 or md5 must be populated MD5 hash string
filename A filename with no prepended PATH information. Optional string filename values do not need to be unique: record uniqueness is ensured by local_id.
file_format An EDAM CV term ID identifying the digital format of this file (e.g. TSV or FASTQ) Optional A valid EDAM format: term EDAM format: term lookup
Example: format:1930
compression_format An EDAM CV term ID identifying the compression format of this file (e.g. gzip or bzip2): null if this file is not compressed Optional A valid EDAM CV term EDAM format: term lookup
Example: format:3615
data_type An EDAM CV term ID identifying the type of information stored in this file (e.g. RNA sequence reads) Optional A valid EDAM data: term EDAM data: term lookup
Example: data:2044
assay_type An OBI CV term ID describing the type of experiment that generated the results summarized by this file Optional A valid OBI term OBI lookup service
Example: OBI:0002763
analysis_type An OBI CV term ID describing the type of analytic operation that generated this file Optional A valid OBI term OBI lookup service
Example: OBI:0002763
mime_type A MIME type describing this file Optional string Common MIME types
Tutorial for bulk MIME type identification
bundle_collection_id_namespace If this file is a bundle encoding more than one sub-file, this field gives the id_namespace of a collection listing the bundle's sub-file contents. Null otherwise. Optional string id_namespace is a unique URI prefix pre-registered with CFDE and attached to your program (or a subset of your program) that identifies anything labeled with it as belonging to you. Please see the technical documentation for a full discussion of how this information is built and used.
bundle_collection_local_id If this file is a bundle encoding more than one sub-file, this field gives the local_id of a collection listing the bundle's sub-file contents. Null otherwise. Required for row if bundle_collection_id_namespace is filled for row The value in the local_id column for the collection that describes the sub-files in this compressed file
dbgap_study_id The name of a dbGaP study ID governing access control for this file, compatible for comparison to RAS user-level access control metadata Optional String Example: phs000710
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