Reduces boilerplate for adding a shell completion command to Clap
clap version |
clap_complete_command version |
v3 | v0.1, v0.2, v0.3 |
v4 | v0.4, v0.5, v0.6 |
use clap::{CommandFactory, Parser, Subcommand};
struct Cli {
command: Commands,
enum Commands {
/// Generate shell completions
Completions {
/// The shell to generate the completions for
shell: clap_complete_command::Shell,
fn main() {
let cli = Cli::parse();
match cli.command {
// e.g. `$ cli completions bash`
Commands::Completions { shell } => {
shell.generate(&mut Cli::command(), &mut std::io::stdout());
use clap::{Arg, Command};
fn build_cli() -> Command {
.about("Generate shell completions")
.help("The shell to generate the completions for")
fn main() {
let matches = build_cli().get_matches();
match matches.subcommand() {
Some(("completions", sub_matches)) => {
// e.g. `$ cli completions bash`
if let Some(shell) = sub_matches.get_one::<clap_complete_command::Shell>("shell") {
let mut command = build_cli();
shell.generate(&mut command, &mut std::io::stdout());
_ => {
unreachable!("Exhausted list of subcommands and `subcommand_required` prevents `None`")
The supported shells can be seen in clap_complete_command::Shell