ShodanScanner is a multithreaded shodan search results exporter. It uses some clever tricks to bypass limitations in results and returns lots of results for specific searches even with a free account.
It does not need a payed account, but if you have one the number of the results returned are even greater.
Set shodan.ini with the appropriate options.
#default is 50
#default is empty String ""
#default is true;
#How ofter to save the current processed number. Default is 300
#useTor can be true or false
#default is true for security, only writting false will disable tor.
#If you want to useTor, please make sure tor executable is added in your Operating system's Path
#query=port:81 goahead 5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41
#query=Server: squid
#results are written to output/urls.txt every {sleepBetweenWritesSeconds} seconds
sleepBetweenWritesSeconds = 32
#where to write the results. This path is relative to output.
outputFile = urls.txt
Then run Main class with shodan.ini as argument to collect. is a complete example.
Install dependencies
sudo apt-get update
#remove maven2 sudo apt-get remove maven2
sudo apt-get install tor maven git openjdk-7-jdk openjdk-7-jre
Start tor:
sudo service tor start
Install and run ccSnapTv
git clone cd ShodanScanner #./ mvn clean compile assembly:single
java -jar target/ShodanScanner-1.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar shodan.ini
You query must be in: query= field under [Shodan] in you ini.
In the example above ShodanScanner will search for JAWS/1.0
Output is flushed every 30 seconds in the output/urls directory. Both of those values are configurable in the shodan.ini file.