Pure JavaScript wallet for Nimiq Blockchain, with dead simple API to use
import NimiqWallet from 'nimiqscan-wallet'
const mnemonic = 'strategy enlist away hurt adjust firm antenna toss rocket away side rural'
const wallet = NimiqWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic)
const address = wallet.getAddress() // NQ95 539J MQY1 QYES MVUE 6444 0C91 DK4F U0P6
const tx = wallet.generateTransaction({
to: 'NQXX XXXX .... XXXX',
value: 50000, // number in satoshis
fee: 0, // number in satoshis
height: 170619 // validate from the block, suggest to current block height + 1
const hex = tx.toHex() // Raw tx data, just sendRawTransaction
const txId = tx.hash() // Transaction ID