Gets the current weather conditions for a given city.
Please go to where the app is hosted on Heroku This will get the app up and running in about 5 minutes after which you should be able to directly chat with the bot.
Entire application sits on Heroku. Have a Mongolab db hooked up to take care of Heroku not persisting locally written files. Automatic deploy happens every time there is a push to the github repo.Ideally should have some CI tests running before the deploy to make sure everything is ok.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Will need to have both Node and npm installed. Register for the OpenWeatherMapAPI and get the API key.Register at Slack, create an application.This will generate a Client ID and Client Secret.
Clone the repository to your local machine
git clone
Set the following environment variable:
Open the root directory and run the following command:
npm install
Open up a secure http connection to the locally running service by:
npm install -g localtunnel
lt --port zzzz --subdomain <botname>
Run the application with the following command:
CLIENT_ID=xxx.yyy CLIENT_SECRET=abc PORT=zzzz npm start
Now, access and authorize your bot. This will need to be done every time you restart your app.
Currently haven’t set up any automation tests. - Needs to be worked on.
Would like to use ESlint & prettier for this
For deploying locally: Generate an API key from OpenWeatherMap and set the environment variable : OPEN_WEATHER_API_KEY Set the re-direct URL to point to the locally running app : Generate a Client ID and Client Secret token and use that to start the app.
CLIENT_ID=xxx.yyy CLIENT_SECRET=abc PORT=zzzz npm start
The complete steps have been detailed at : Slack bot tutorial This app has been deployed on Heroku using the free tier. If you would like to deploy this bot on Heroku, the following environment variables will need to be set:
I used the Heroku add-on MongoLab for the datastore. The values have been set as Config Vars. Set the re-direct URL to point to the heroku app :
The tutorial on the Heroku site was very useful to help get things up and running.
- Project has used code from Slack API easy-peasy-bot
- Another cool tutorial to get started.