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You can run this react-native application (made for Android)

by running react-native run android.

Make sure that you have a device usb connected (you won't be able to use the android emulator since google-play-services does not support it).

The application contains proof of concepts for:

  1. Firebase Anonymous authentication
  2. Firebase sign-up via email/password credentials
  3. Firebase sign-in via email/password credentials
  4. Firebase sign-in via Facebook authentication
  5. Save message to DB


These were my main concepts for creating the adapter for the firebase authentication module (on Android):

Native Module

  1. Install Android SDK on the React Native android app (according to Firebase documentations).
  2. Created a new Native Module for the React Native project (according to Facebook's documentation)
  3. Created a new class that extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule (see attached and set a name for it:
    public String getName() {
      return "FirebaseAuth";
  1. Introduced a new field which wraps the Firebase Android SDK Auth instance (FirebaseAuth) and initialize in constructor:

       public class FirebaseAuthAdapter extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule {
       private FirebaseAuth mAuth;
       public FirebaseAuthAdapter(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {
          mAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();

5. On this class you can see an example for wrapping a firebase auth method, for example signInAnonymously:

 public void signInAnonymously(final Callback successCallback, final Callback errorCallback) {
      Activity currentActivity = getCurrentActivity();

              .addOnCompleteListener(currentActivity, new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
                  public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<AuthResult> task) {
                      if (task.isSuccessful())

Pay attention that it must get wrapped with the ReactMethod annotation, this will provide you the ability to call it via the ReactNative JS component

  1. So after finishing wrapping all of the auth methods of Firebase, I created a class which implements ReactPackage which will be used mainly to initiate a new adapter so we will be able to register it to our NativeModules (see later).

    public class FirebaseAuthAdapterReactPackage implements ReactPackage {
       public List<NativeModule> createNativeModules(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {
       List<NativeModule> modules = new ArrayList<>();
       modules.add(new FirebaseAuthAdapter(reactContext));
       return modules;
  2. Register this ReactPackage on the Android's MainActivity getPackages method:

     protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
         return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
             new MainReactPackage(),
                 new FirebaseAuthAdapterReactPackage()

Basically, that's it for the native module, now let's see the ReactNative component side..

ReactNative component

On the JS side we need to import the registered component by using the NativeModules component of react-native.

const {FirebaseAuth} = NativeModules;

now you can use its functions, for example signInAnonymously:

signIn() {
     FirebaseAuth.signInAnonymously(this.onSuccess.bind(this), this.onFailure.bind(this));

Pay attention that you may provide some success/failure callbacks.

FirebaseAuth API:

  1. getCurrentUser(final Promise promise) - This native method, gets a promise and only when resolved the JS component will get the user's details (currently supports : userid, name, email, photoURL).

    async function measureLayout() {
       try {
          var {
          } = await FirebaseAuth.getCurrentUser();
  2. signInAnonymously(final Callback successCallback, final Callback errorCallback) - This native methods signs in the the current user anonymously. It gets two callbacks, one for success and other for failure:

    signIn() {
         FirebaseAuth.signInAnonymously(this.onSuccess.bind(this), this.onFailure.bind(this));
     onSuccess() {
         Alert.alert("Pay attention that you will be a guest!")
             id: 'message',
     onFailure() {'Login failed!');
  3. createUserWithEmailAndPassword(String email, String password, final Callback successCallback, final Callback errorCallback) - This native method signs up a new user with given credentials email/password, it also gets two callbacks, one for success and other for failure:

         const {email} = this.state;
         const {password} = this.state;
         if(email && password) {
             var re = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
                 FirebaseAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password, this.onSuccess.bind(this), this.onFailure.bind(this));
       'Invalid email!', ToastAndroid.SHORT);
   'Please enter email and password', ToastAndroid.SHORT);
     onSuccess() {
             id: 'message',
     onFailure(message) {, ToastAndroid.SHORT);
  4. signInWithEmailAndPassword(String email, String password, final Callback successCallback, final Callback errorCallback) - This native method signs in a user with the given credentials email/password, it also gets two callbacks, one for success and other for failure:

    signIn() {
         const {email} = this.state;
         const {password} = this.state;
         if(email && password)
             FirebaseAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password, this.onSuccess.bind(this), this.onFailure.bind(this));
   'Please enter email and password', ToastAndroid.SHORT);
     onSuccess() {
             id: 'message',
     onFailure(message) {, ToastAndroid.SHORT);
  5. handleFacebookAccessToken(String token, final Callback successCallback, final Callback errorCallback) - This native method registers a facebook authenticated user to firebase by getting its token and two callbacks, one for success and other for failure: It uses another module called react-native-react-native-fbsdk (instructions for installation on this link's documentations

    javascript const FBSDK = require('react-native-fbsdk'); const { LoginButton, AccessToken } = FBSDK; const {FirebaseAuth} = NativeModules;

    export class FacebookLogin extends Component {

    constructor(props) {
    handleLogin(error, result){
  'Login failed!');
                  (data) => {
                    FirebaseAuth.handleFacebookAccessToken(data.accessToken.toString(), this.onSuccess.bind(this), this.onFailure.bind(this));
    onSuccess() {
            id: 'message',
    onFailure(message) {, ToastAndroid.SHORT);
    render() {
        return ( 
            <View style={styles.fb}>
                    onLoginFinished={(error, result) => this.handleLogin(error, result)}
                    onLogoutFinished={() => this.signout()}/>


  6. signOut() - This native method signs out the current user from firebase system.

Firebase Authentication TODO:

  1. Support other OAuth providers API (e.g. Twitter, Google, GitHub).
  2. Support custom authentications
  3. Link Multiple Auth Providers
  4. Update a user's profile
  5. Send a password reset email
  6. Delete a user
  7. Re-authenticate a user

##Firebase DB

I've build another adapter for the firebase DB, right now includes basic operations such as write data and call JS function on change of a value:

  1. public void setValue(String ref, ReadableMap value, final Callback successCallback, final Callback errorCallback) - sets a new value to the given ref, gets an object (Pay attention: you must move an object to this method - see how in next JS example):

    javascript const {FirebaseDB} = NativeModules; submit() { FirebaseDB.setValue('messages', { message:this.state.message }, this.onSuccess.bind(this), this.onFailure.bind(this)); }

  2. public void on(String ref, final String event) - this native method takes care to sync the JS module by getting an event an invoke it once the data value changed.

    javascript componentWillMount() { DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('onDataChange', this.onDataChange.bind(this)); FirebaseDB.on('messages', 'onDataChange'); }

    onDataChange(updatedData) {'message updated..', ToastAndroid.SHORT); this.setState({submittedMessage: updatedData.message}); }

  3. You may open the simple html page I've made ($/web/index.html), submit new message and see the change reflected on the native app.

My comments

As a web developer who knows React.js pretty well, working with React Native for developing native apps on both Android/iOS is the best options for me and for many other developers all over the world.

Knowing that the new firebase (ver 3.0 ^) is not working with React-Native made me and many others disapponted, especially after the Firebase team announced it publicly after the last Google I/O (2016).

So, I told myself, "well hey.. Firebase Android SDK works in 100% with ReactNative and ReactNative is native, so why can't I make a simple adapter for it???"

Well, first it sounds easy, but it wasn't, actually after working on this for days I can tell honestly it's a workaround, and I think the firebase team should make for us the React-Native community a JS working SDK ( I believe solving the initializeSDK issue with the document/browser/window issue will be better than making these adapters, I believe that if the old firebase JS SDK worked, the new one will work too).

I really hope this problem will get solved, or someone will make this adapters better!


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